Page 55 of Ruthless Souls

“Damn, Remi. That mouth is sharp tonight.”

I smirked, liking this version of myself.

We both got paper plates and filled them with all the delicious food we could fit on it, and after grabbing a drink, we went to sit down at one of the tables.

It was loud and the music playing over the voices made it even harder to understand each other, but at parties like these, it was normal.

Later that night, I decided to go talk to Woodrow as I hadn’t done that ever since I came here earlier today. He had been busy talking to others, and I didn’t want to interrupt.

I got up from the table and placed my hand on Jagger’s shoulder, leaning in closer so he could hear me. “I’m going to see how Woodrow’s doing. Haven’t said hi to him yet.”

Jagger nodded as he glanced over at Woodrow. His mood immediately changed when I mentioned his name, but I didn’t question it.

Woodrow smiled at me when he noticed me walking over to him, and he pulled me into his arms once I reached him. “There you are. Been waiting for you to come and find me.”

I hugged him back, then looked up at him with a gentle smile. “I was right over there with Jagger but you were busy talking to Ace and the others, and I didn’t want to interrupt. How are you feeling?”

He rubbed my back, then took a step back to get a better look at me. “Much better. Doctor said I shouldn’t worry. The tests we did looked fine.”

“Oh, that’s such good news.”

“The doctor also said not to smoke again after a heart attack. Yet, here we are,” Agnes said, pointing her finger at the cigarette between Woodrow’s fingers. Her face was full of disappointment.

I pursed my lips and studied Woodrow, then dropped my gaze to his cigarette. He wasn’t going to listen to his doctor.

“Don’t start bitching about it too or I will send both of you home. Doesn’t matter if I smoke of not. Any future heart attacks can be caused by whatever.”

“But smoking will increase the chances,” Agnes stated.

I agreed with a nod. “She’s probably right.”

“Don’t care.”

I looked at Agnes and shrugged. There was nothing we could do to stop him, so I let it go.

“Will you sleep at home tonight?” I asked, changing the subject.


I looked from Woodrow back to Agnes. “Want me to take Myra home with me when I leave?”

“Oh, no. That’s fine. I’ll have her sleep in one of the rooms upstairs.”

I gave her a nod and a tight smile. “Okay. I’ll come say goodbye later.”

Before heading back to Jagger, I went inside to grab a glass of water. I had been drinking sugary drinks all evening, and water was not an option out there. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard, then filled it with tap water.

As I leaned against the counter, I felt my phone press into my lower back, and I remembered that I had received a message earlier but hadn’t checked who it was from. I was too busy listening to a prospect talk about how he found his way to the Ruthless Knights MC, and I was being entertained by Jagger’s mocking comments toward him.

I pulled out my phone and tapped on the screen, then saw that it was Fender who sent me a text.

Are you at the club?

I put the glass down, then gripped my phone with both hands, unsure if I should just respond to his question or ignore him. I was upset with him for thinking he could control me and decide who I was allowed to hang out with or not.

I decided to reply without answering his question.

I’m not in the mood to talk to you.