Page 46 of Ruthless Souls

With all those heavy and meaningful words he had been telling me lately, maybe Fender hadn’t been ignoring me all this time like I had thought he had.

Maybe Fender had planned this out for years, had those thoughts and feelings all along but only just now decided that he wanted to get close to me.

But whatever his reasoning, I was glad he had chosen me out of all the options he had.


After eating breakfast at the clubhouse, I left to go home and take a shower. I had Fender’s scent all over me, and while it made me feel safe, I couldn’t walk around like that all day.

I spent the afternoon cleaning around the house. Agnes and Myra were at the hospital with Woodrow, though I wasn’t sure if she was allowed to be in the room with him when Fender and the others were there.

Around six, I made myself a quick dinner and sat down on the couch to watch TV, and just as I found a series to watch, my phone rang.

I picked it up from beside me and looked at the screen. Jagger.

“Hi,” I said, putting him on speaker so I could eat and talk at the same time.

“Are you at the club?”

“No, I’m home. Are you still at the hospital?”

There was a quick pause and I heard him say something to someone, then he spoke into the phone again. “Yeah, I’m leaving right now. Can I come by?” He sounded tense.

“Of course. I made Spaghetti. There’s some left if you want it.”

“Perfect. I’ll be there in fifteen.” He hung up.

Exactly fifteen minutes later he was at my door. I opened for him and smiled, then let him in.

“How’s Woodrow?” I asked.

“Better.” He seemed tense.

“And how are you?”

We headed into the kitchen where I filled his plate with spaghetti and sauce, then I handed him the plate and looked up at him.

“Fine. We got church later tonight so I have to head over there later. You wanna come?”

I was once again ready to slip into bed and read, but if going to the club meant seeing Fender again, then I could push the reading aside.

God, I was so fucking needy and obsessed.

I nodded. “Sure.”

We went to sit down on the couch and I pressed play but turned down the volume so we could talk. He started eating but kept looking at me.


“Were you gonna tell me about you and Fender?”

Ah. So this is why he was acting strange.

I sighed. “Yes.”

“When? Because it seems that everyone knew when I was the last one to get the news. Is it serious?”

To me it was. “I think so.”