Page 42 of Ruthless Souls

I smiled. Something told me that he wasn’t done with me. Not just yet.

Chapter 20


She was asleep in my arms, her body pressed against my chest, and her hips nestled against my semi. It had always been easy for me to get hard again after coming, but after pulling out of her, my dick stayed hard.

Before she fell asleep, I played with her pussy and made her come, tasting all her sweet juices and blood.

Fucking Remedy turned me into a damn animal. One addicted to every inch of her. Deep down, I was still fighting myself not to let this get to me the way it was. My heart was pounding in my damn chest. The only time that was supposed to happen was when I held a gun to someone’s temple or blew up shit. Not when I was lying in bed with a woman in my arms.

I looked down at her, taking in her beautiful face. Her dark lashes brushed against her cheekbones, and her lips were slightly parted. She was breathing slowly through her nose. Too damn slowly. When she first fell asleep, I checked if she was still breathing because I couldn’t hear her a thing.

She looked so damn peaceful. For someone who grew up in a place like this, a motorcycle club that didn’t do shit traditionally, she was way too calm and collected.

As comfortable as I was getting lying there with her, I needed to get out of there. I had things to figure out. Not just about myself, but about her father.

I cupped her cheek and leaned in to kiss her lips, and when I’ve tasted her enough to get through the night, I got out of bed and searched for my clothes.

I collected them off the floor, then got dressed while keeping my eyes on her the whole time. I didn’t want her to wake up. She’d ask why I was leaving and probably start getting all the wrong ideas. She’d overthink. Not that it mattered. I’d be gone in the morning anyway, and she’d have those same thoughts.

Right now, I wasn’t ready to have a conversation about what we were yet. If she’d get mad tomorrow, I’d let her scream at me, telling me how big of an asshole I was for leaving her after taking her virginity.

I muttered a curse when I realized I wasn’t making any fucking sense, and that I was gaslighting myself. Fucking manipulating myself into thinking that I wasn’t feeling things for Remedy I had never felt before.

In reality, I wanted to stay with her. Hold her all night and be there when she opened her eyes. I wanted to assure her that I wasn’t leaving after fucking her for the first time. That I wasn’t just using her. And even after admitting all that shit, I was still ready to bolt out that fucking door.

I ran a hand through my hair and moved my eyes over her body. She was covered, but I could see every perfect curve.

It wasn’t getting easier the longer I stood there, but I couldn’t get my feet to move.

My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out to see who texted me at one-fifteen in the morning.

It was Tiny.

Awfully quiet up there. You done with her?

I didn’t know if he had seen Remedy follow me up here. If he hadn’t, he had all the right to ask me that sloppy question. If he did see Remedy and connected the dots, I would fucking blow his brains out for thinking I would use Remedy for a night.

I tightened my jaw as my possessiveness came to show once more.

Need something?

Some chicks are fighting over JT down here. Damn entertaining. Worth watching.

Not interested.

You coming down here at least to have a beer?

What the hell are you doing up there?

None of your fucking business.


There was a pause but he was texting again. I looked up from my phone to ensure Remedy was still asleep, then another text came in.

If Doc were still alive, he’d put a bullet in you right this second. I’d take the risk too though. Would love to find out what she tastes like.