Page 45 of Ruthless Souls

I nodded.


I liked all old ladies at this club. But sometimes, they were just way too damn nosey.

I shrugged. “Didn’t feel like going home.”

“She’s so full of shit. She fucked Fender last night.”

I turned my head to see Faith, one of the sweet butts, come downstairs. She had an annoyed glare in her eyes.

“She’s not on her period. She lost her virginity. That’s why there’s blood.”

How did she even know all that? I trusted Fender enough not to talk about something so private to any of the sweet butts. Then I remembered Rodney saying something about Tiny not joking about Fender and me being in the same room, so I figured Tiny must’ve told someone. Probably JT. And knowing JT, he didn’t keep his mouth shut about anything.

I sighed. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

“You make it my business when you moan his name so loud that I can’t even hear myself moan,” Faith said, her voice as irritating as ever.

“Girls.” Perla raised her hands to stop us bickering. She pointed at Faith. “You. Leave. You’re not needed this morning. And, you.” She turned to me. “Come help me with breakfast.”

Faith rolled her eyes and shot me a glare before she left the clubhouse. I followed Perla into the kitchen and sighed. “I really don’t needthattalk.”

“Who said I wanted to give you the talk? You’re a grown woman. Do whatever you want. Just know that Woodrow won’t be happy about this when he finds out.”

“Does it even matter? I can do what I want.” I was destined to live my life in this club. Might as well be with one of those men, right?

“You sure can. I’m just wondering…” She turned away to grab something out of the fridge. “If Fender is the right one for you. Can’t help but think about all those times he didn’t even acknowledge you.”

I tensed. I hated how everyone in this club knew about Fender’s disinterest. I didn’t reply.

“I would hate for him to use you just to get some steam off. You know how he treats sweet butts at this club. They’re just toys in his eyes.”

“He’s different with me.”

“You say that so convincingly, I might just believe you,” she said with a wink. “Was it your first time then?”

I really didn’t want to talk about Fender taking my virginity. But I didn’t have to go into detail. “Yes.”

“Did he at least make it feel good for you?”

Jesus Christ…

I straightened my back. “Yes. Very.”

“Hm.” Perla placed a cutting board and a knife on the counter next to me, then her eyes lingered on my face, studying me closely. “I always thought you’d end up with Jagger. Poor boy will be heartbroken.”

I laughed out loud at her words. Jagger wouldn’t be heartbroken. “Jagger’s my best friend. We know better than to cross the line and ruin our friendship.”

She shrugged. “If you say so.”

She placed apples in front of me on the cutting board, then waved her hand at it. “Cut these into slices. We’re making apple pie.”

I washed the apples, then started cutting as my mind drifted off to Fender and the night we had.

It wasn’t just the way I felt that made me feel secure in what Fender and I had. It was everything he said to me last night and this morning that made me hopeful. Whatever it was that was growing between us felt right.

And suddenly, I had an epiphany.