Page 21 of Ruthless Souls

I chose to watch a romantic comedy that had been on my watchlist for years, and while I wasn’t an interested in the storyline, I did enjoy looking at the main character. He was nothing like the men I knew.

He was kind and socially awkward, yet he was charming. He was also a good listener. Something not even Jagger was.

I was thirty minutes into the movie when my phone dinged, and I reached for it on the bedside table.

When I read Fender’s name, my heart did that stupid thing it always did. It skipped a beat, then started to beat so fast I almost had a damn heart attack.

Still thinking about my dick?

Why would he…

I frowned, deciding if I should open the text and write back or just ignore it.

Of course you are.

His second text made me scowl, and I immediately opened the chat to write back.

Always so full of yourself.

That would show him.

I threw my phone over the laptop and onto my legs, then crossed my arms over my chest.


My phone dinged again, and my eyes immediately found the screen.

I should just leave it alone. Ignore him and not fall for whatever stupid game he was playing.

But I wasn’t strong enough to ignore him.

I reached for my phone and read his text.

So you ARE still thinking about my dick.

Please stop.

As if he would listen.

He sent back a laughing emoji.

Great. Perfect. Now I look like an idiot.

God, he made me angry.

I tightened my grip around my phone and started typing in my reply when the three little dots appeared. I quickly deleted my message and waited for his to appear.

Remember what I told you last night?

Yes, I did remember.

He told me that the next time I’d stumble in on him fucking some woman, I wouldn’t just be watching.

Tingles between my legs made me curl my toes. As much as I wanted to hate him right now, I couldn’t help but feel excitement.

Still, I had to play it cool.
