Page 8 of It Had To Be You

The words echo in my head. Six weeks. Forty-two long days. One thousand and eight hours. Okay, now is not the time to be crunching big numbers. I’m so screwed. I can’t rest for a month and a half.

I rub my forehead, trying to process what all this means. How am I going to get home, and how will I stay off my feet? I’ll need food from the store and toiletries. Plus, I don’t do relaxing. What am I going to do all day while trying to keep still? I like to stay on the move.

I’ve got a broken ankle. I have no choice but to follow the doctor’s orders. This injury might just be the death of me.



Mallory’s been sulkingfor the last two days. Ever since I brought her home from the hospital and made her sleep in my bed. I’ve moved to the couch so Mallory can be more comfortable. She won’t tell me what the surgeon said to her and she’s been grumpier than usual. I’m trying my best to stay positive, but it’s hard. I want her to be better and happier.

“Morning. Sorry. I just need a few things from my drawer.” I open the curtains to let some sunlight into the room, and Mallory shuts her eyes with a groan.

After a few seconds, she grumbles, “Morning.”

“Do you need anything before I head to work?” I fuss over the bed, trying to fluff her pillow and shake out the quilt cover.

“My laptop, so I can try to write an article.” Her voice sounds rough, so I pour her a glass of water from the jug at the side of the bed. I pass it to her when she opens her eyes. It takes her a few seconds to take it.

“Sure thing.” I get some clean underwear from the dresser and change out of my pyjamas in the bathroom. I put on my uniform before I retrieve Mal’s laptop, along with some food. She hasn’t looked at it since the injury, so maybe this is progress. “Here you go.” I smile sweetly.

“Thank you.” She pushes herself up so she’s sitting against the pillows.

I check my watch. “It’s time for me to set off or I’ll be late. See you at teatime?” I’m not sure why I ask it as a question because she isn’t going anywhere, but I don’t like seeing her so glum. I’ve left her some food on a tray for her lunch and a fresh jug of water.

“Yes. I’ll be here. Waiting.” She rubs her eyes before focusing on the computer. I hesitate for a few seconds, but I don’t know what to say, so I leave. She’s not her usual talkative self, but I’m trying to inject some sunshine into her day.

I grab my car keys and a coffee to go before locking up. The journey to work is short and away from the traffic, so it only takes me a quarter of an hour. The Cat Trust is located on farmland surrounded by fields. It’s a beautiful sanctuary away from the busy roads. I park on the dirt track and let myself into the cattery. Meows fill the air as my cute friends strut around their cages. Warmth surrounds my heart like it normally does when I enter this building. I love my job.

“Good morning, my sweets,” I say to the orange kittens brushing up against the bars. I go to him and stroke the thick fur on his cheek, and he purrs. It takes me a while to make it to the far end of the room because I give each cat a welcome. I locate the milk from the fridge before opening the cage with the kittens in and offer them the bottle.

“Morning,” Sophie says when she finally joins me a few minutes later than our start time.

“Hello. Did you have a good time at Pride?” She was out of line when we spoke at the parade. I’m not expecting her to apologise, but I’ll be more cautious with my words in future.

“Amazing. I spent some time with the Pink tribute act, if you know what I mean.” She winks at me. “Did you give Mallory a good send-off?”

Those two sentences together take my mind to a dirty place, but I refuse to let her catch me off guard again. My crush on my friend has nothing to do with her. “Actually, she’s still at my place. While in The New Penny, she fell off the stage and broke her ankle.” I frown but try to hide how devastated I am for Mal.

“That stage isn’t even high.” Sophie gasps in disbelief. It’s true, though. It only comes up to my knee.

“Doesn’t make it any less dangerous.” I start feeding the next kitten, trying not to let Sophie irritate me.

Woah, where did that thought come from? I’ve not felt like that about her before. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep.

“So, you being the great friend said she could stay on your sofa a while longer?” Sophie smiles, but it’s ugly. Is jealousy making her this way? I never realised she was like this before. Plus, she was with someone else at Pride. I don’t owe her anything. I told her we could be friends and that’s what we are.

“She’s in my bed, but yes. She’s staying until she’s better.” I don’t let my mind wander to the image of Mallory wrapped up in my sheets. Or maybe I do because that’s what I’m thinking.

“Are you sleeping with her?” Sophie crosses her arms over her chest.

“Of course not.” I scowl. This is none of her business.

“I’m sorry, Lara. I don’t mean to make things uncomfortable between us, but I smell heartbreak.” She gives me a sad look, but it doesn’t seem sincere.

“It will be fine.” I shrug, hoping to play down the bad mood she’s putting me in. Sophie and I work together. I need us to be okay and not weird.

“I hope you know what you’re doing. If not, I hope you’re open to a rebound fling.” She winks at me again.