Page 15 of It Had To Be You

“Morning,” an older gentleman says from his garden two houses down. He has wild grey curly hair and is wearing a green t-shirt with a fishman on it.

“Morning,” I say, brushing my fringe away from my eyes. Usually, I’m fitter than this, but the task has made me sweat.

“Lara’s not home if you’re looking for her.” He peers into the garden, but I’m guessing he can’t see my pot.

I chew on my lip. I wonder how well he knows my friend. She probably doesn’t have many visitors, and hopefully, he’s looking out for her, but where does he think I got the chair from? “I’m staying with her for a few weeks.”

“She’s a lovely girl with a heart of gold.” He smiles warmly, and I relax.

“That she is.” A fuzzy feeling starts in my chest. I’m not sure what I would have done without her lately. If this injury had happened anywhere else, I would have been screwed. She’s all I have and I’m glad it’s her taking care of me. I thought spending long periods of time with her would drive me insane, but I was wrong. I miss her when she’s not around.

Moggy comes around my feet and starts to purr. At first, I ignore him, but he only gets closer. I lean down and stroke under his chin. He’s kinda cute, I suppose, even if his food does smell gross. He walks around me a few times before jumping up onto my knee. Before I know it, I’m stroking him like an evil Bond villain and talking to Lara’s neighbours like we’re old friends. Mr Hatta, aka fishermen, from two doors down, brings me a cup of tea and tells me all about the local wildlife.

Once it gets to lunchtime, I say goodbye and slowly make my way inside. The food Lara prepared for me is upstairs. Slowly, I make my way to the bedroom. The first few steps are easy to climb, but after a few more, the drop feels scary. My crutch gets stuck on the step and falls away from my grasp. It tumbles down the stairs, leaving me trapped mid-staircase. I slide down the wall until my hands are on the ground. I can still do this. Two good arms and a leg are enough for me to pull myself up. I begin to crawl.

“What are you doing?” Lara scolds from behind me.

I pull myself onto the landing and sit facing her. “I’m getting my lunch.” I’ve managed to get myself safely to the top. There’s no need for her to worry or give me a telling-off about it.

“I left it at the side of the bed.” She sounds angry, but I shrug it off.

“I’ve been out in the garden.”

“You should’ve waited. I could’ve helped you.” Her stern voice has already started to soften.

“I’m not completely broken. I can look after myself.” I give her a huge smile, although I’m fully aware I need her.

“I’m here to help. That’s the advantage of having someone to stay with.” She grabs my fallen crutch and brings it up before helping me to my feet.

“You were at work. I had it under control. Thanks for coming to my rescue, though.” I blow her a kiss because I can’t easily hug her.

“You’re so stubborn.” She scowls at me.

“It’s better than being wrapped in cotton wool.” She follows me into the bedroom.

“Sometimes everyone needs a little help.” She shrugs before we both sit on the bed.

“But not you. You’re always giving it to others.” Instead of showing my gratitude, a little jealousy is coming out. It’s not that I want to be more like Lara, but the kindness she has is special.

“Of course I help those in need. There’s nothing wrong with that. What are you trying to imply?”

“Nothing. I’m crabby because I was doing so well and, the second you got home, I showed myself up.”

“I’m fully aware you’re independent, but you can lean on me. We’re best friends.” She pulls me into a hug, surprising me. This feels like an emotional moment, which is unlike me. “I know you’re not one to take a breather, but let me look after you for a few weeks. Please.” She gives me the big doe eyes as she pulls away.

My gaze drifts to her lips and I quickly look away. “I am letting you. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stay in this room for the next five and a half weeks, though.” My tone hardens, but it’s more myself I’m weirded out by. I don’t think about kissing my best friend. I must have got too much sun or something.

She smiles. “Okay. We can work this out. I can be home more and I’ll see if I can split my shifts.”

It’s my turn to scowl. I don’t want to put her out any more than I already have. Plus, I was handling the situation. I would have worked it out. “No. You’ve done more than enough. If we’re going to function together in close proximity, you’re going to have to let me make my own mistakes.”

She nods. “I guess I am.”



A coupleof days pass and we settle into a routine. Mallory promised to keep her phone on her at all times, and I promised to stop checking up on her. Instead of rushing home for lunch breaks, I spend them walking around the local playing field. The fresh air is good to clear my head, and although I love my best friend, I’m lacking in personal space.