Page 24 of It Had To Be You

Cats are supposed to be lucky. Adopt the cat and the bestie. Then you might get the benefits. :P

I add a comment underneath:

This isn’t a romance novel. My bestie has a nice p… cat, but we’re strictly platonic. She does look after me well, though. :)

I’ve spent most of the last two weeks bragging about my bestie, and I’ve chatted about her with my followers. I like to tease them. Usually, I’m giving hints about my next adventure or feature. Naturally, I’m talking about what’s making me happy, and that’s Lara. Once I’ve read a few more comments, I switch off my laptop with a huge smile on my face. Cat and bird jokes make the best innuendos.

I get a quick wash in the bathroom and make it downstairs as my coffee is ready to drink. Moggy has already finished his meal and is breaching the cat flap. The door makes a sound as he disappears.

“Why don’t you come to work with me today? I’m on the late shift, so it’s only me.” She takes a drink of her coffee, eyeing me over the top of her mug.

“What would I do there?” I touch my lip, trying to imagine myself in her workplace.

She puts down her mug. “You could feed the kittens or just keep me company. It’s up to you.”

I lift my drink to my lips and take a sip. Lara doing the late shift drags for me because Mr Hatta isn’t out in the garden and there isn’t much to do other than watch TV. Feeding cats is nothing like my job. It might be fun to live in Lara’s shoes for a change. “Okay. You might have to help me clean up after. You always smell like a fleabag.”

“I do not.” She shakes her head, but we both know she jumps into the shower straight away when she’s been at the cattery. The animals aren’t dirty, it’s just there are lots of them and cats have a distinct smell.

“I’ll need to wrap my foot too.” I’m going to look like a crime scene investigator or a food specialist with a bag on my foot, but it would be gross to accidentally stand in something. Plus, I’d need help getting it off.

She nods. “We have blue plastic covers to go over shoes if you want them. Don’t pretend the cats won’t melt your heart. You’re not the ice queen you make out to be. I’m seeing your walls crumbling and you’re allowed to show me you’re excited.” She gives me a smug smile like she’s uncovered a deep revelation.

She’s right; Moggy and the birds Mr Hatta has me stalking are interesting. Not that I’m going to admit it.

“I’m going to come with you, but don’t think it’s for the cats. I just fancy a night out.” I shrug but can’t hide my smile. I’m looking forward to this.

“If it’s an eventful evening you’re wanting, I could always get Mr Hatta to take you to the bingo.”

I’ve already had to make up an excuse why I can’t go with him, and she’s just trying to prove I want to spend time doing the normal things she does. I draw the line at bingo, even if he says it’s fast-paced. I don’t want to find out. “Don’t you dare.” I point a finger at her.

She laughs and we finish up our drinks. When I see Mr Hatta out the window, instead of waving, I duck like I’ve done something naughty. Thank goodness I really do have a plan for tonight.

* * *

Lara pulls up at the cattery at six o’clock. Her car gives one last puff of smoke before she kills the engine.

“You probably should get that looked at,” I say.


“The black smoke.”

She bats the air. “My car’s fine. It passed its MOT.”

“It might not make it to the next one.”

“Oh, hush.”

She opens the car door with force and I take my time pushing my door open. I climb out as she makes her way around to my side. We head inside and she puts the shoe covers over my feet. Two of her colleagues greet us as we move further inside. Sophie must be the girl I saw Lara talking to at Pride—the one who has feelings for her. The other lady is older and has a wedding ring on her finger.

“Hi, Lara, and Mallory, is it?” the older one says, holding out her hand. When she realises I’m not in a position to shake it, she drops it to her side.

“Nice to meet you…” I say.

“Bella,” she fills in for me. Her boss is called Bella. Maybe I knew that.

After the introduction, she pulls Lara to one side and starts to talk business. I’m left staring at Sophie.