Page 19 of It Had To Be You

She curls her lip in an unamused snarl. “Funny. Come on, let’s take a slow stroll.” She starts walking back the way we came.

“I can handle a bit more nature if you want to go squirrel-watching.” Mr Hatta has been telling me all about the creatures, and maybe I’m feeling more sentimental than I let on. Plus, Lara loves all animals.

“I’m not going to say no to spending time with you doing what I love.”

That warm feeling starts again, and I follow her into the woods.

* * *

We cozy up under the covers and I press play onThe L Wordseries. Lara leans over my shoulder to see the tablet screen. Her body is snug against my back and her breath is warm on my neck.

“Do you want a drink?” she asks.

“No. I’m good.”

“Or a biscuit?”



“Isn’t a cookie a biscuit?”

“No, a cookie is a cookie.”

I turn my head to look at her. We’re only a few inches apart. “Okay. What’s going on here? Don’t you want to watchThe L Word?”

“I’ve seen it almost as many times asFriends.”

“You can’t beat an old classic.” I turn back to the tablet.

“That’s true.”

A few seconds pass, but she’s fidgeting. “So, what’s the problem?” I ask.

“Nothing.” We fall into silence for a few more seconds. “It’s great having you here.”

“I’m enjoying being with you too.” I let the quiet settle between us and the only sound is from the TV show. It stretches out, but I can tell Lara isn’t concentrating on the programme. “Are you lonely not having someone to come home to?” I ask.

“I never said that.”

I lock the tablet screen to switch it off and place it on the bedside cabinet. We both turn onto our backs, abandoning any hope of settling into the show. “I take it back. You have Moggy and all your other animals. How could you possibly even pee alone?” When the cat wants feeding, he has no boundaries. It’s both annoying and cute.

“Very funny.”

“Maybe you just need some lady-loving.” I tickle under her chin, and she giggles.

“Stop that.” She pushes me away.

“What are you going to do? You can’t harm a person down on their luck. Did you see my leg?” I go to tickle her again and she lets me get close before grabbing my wrists.

“Of course I saw your leg. It’s like an anchor holding you here.” She smiles sadly.

Is that how she feels? It’s true, but I’ve not been thinking about how it made her feel. I like to travel and stay on the move. I’ve always been honest about that, even though I know Lara doesn’t like it.

“I’m not that bad. I come back. Always have. Always will.” I try to reassure her.

“And why is that? Are you sentimental?” She gives me the eyebrow, and I wonder if I’ve walked into a trap. She’s been saying I’m opening up to having deep feelings, and maybe she’s right.