Page 115 of Kings Have No Mercy


My stomach flips at the thought of seeing him again.

When he’d rescued me from the box, I had barely been conscious. I was so out of it, I didn’t even fully register it was Mason saving me.

Now that I’m lucid, no longer drenched in sweat and buried under several feet of suffocating dirt, the look of relief on his face is the only thing I can think about. He had held onto me tightly as he pulled me out of the box, like if he even started to let go, he’d lose me forever.

Allwhilehe had been shot in the side.

A fact I didn’t realize or grasp at the time. He was soaked in his own blood, fighting through what must’ve been a hellish level of pain.

I don’t know where to begin processing everything that happened between us. The rescue at the construction site is enough to have my mind reeling, but it’s even more than that—we still haven’t sorted out what was going on between us before that ordeal.

Mason had promised he’d return after his revenge mission against the Hellrazors.

I had been intercepted by the Reapers.

The last real time we were together was before the contents of my personal Bible was released—my own revenge scheme to get justice for Pop.

In fact, the last time I was around any of the Kings, I was deemed a traitor.

Looking around me at the other ER stations and knowing that just beyond these curtains are men I had come to think of as friends, makes me nervous and unsettled. How do they feel about me? Do they still think of me as a traitor? Some kind of informant?

I heave a sigh and decide I can’t handle the potential hurt of finding out.

I head for the nurses’ desk toward the front. The same nurse that took pity on me and brought me the t-shirt catches sight of me and flags me down.

“I heard Doctor Shue released you.”

“He did. He prescribed me some pain meds. I’ll make sure to go by the pharmacy to pick them up.”

She nods, then develops a sheepish sort of smile. “Did you hear a certain someone was asking about you? I’m surprised the doctor didn’t mention it.”

My stomach flutters. “A… certain someone?”

“Very handsome. Very rugged. The one with those green eyes.” She almost speaks in a sigh, sounding more like a schoolgirl with a crush than an ER nurse on the job.

“You mean Mason Cutler?” I ask, and her smile brightens. “He was asking about me?”

“Between me and you, this is my first time treating bikers like these. Some of them… I can see how they have women throwing themselves at them,” she says, her freckled face brightening. “Mr. Cutler wanted to know if you were okay. He’d barely let us work on him ’til he knew.”

“He did?” I’m so shocked, I can’t form much more of a sentence.

“If you’d like to see him, I’ll look the other way. He’s behind the curtain of station seven. The one that was right across from yours. He demanded it that way.”

I can’t explain what comes over me, but it’s like I slip into a trance. I mutter a quick thank you to the ER nurse and then turn around to go find station seven. My thoughts feel scrambled, still processing what she’s said, while my body seems to have decided for me.

Mason wanted to see me; he wanted to know if I was okay.

I have to let him know. I want to, because I need to know if he’s okay too. My senses come swooping in footsteps outside the blue curtain, making me stop. I clear my throat and then speak in a tone more timid than usual.



“Yes… are you… can I…?”

The curtain’s shoved aside, and there he is, in the flesh. He’s shirtless, his abdomen bandaged up while the rest of his many tattoos are still on display on his muscled chest, shoulders, and arms.