Hemade me come. And even though I hadn’t spoken the words, inside, I begged for it. I wanted him to get me there.
To my horror, I discovered he was right. The moment it was over, I knew I’d betrayed my father. Because not once did I push Arran away. I clung to him, held his hand to me, rocked shamelessly against it.
I sigh. My attraction to this villain isn’t important. What is important is that he’s attracted to me. There’s no doubt about that. He wants me, and that’s going to be my ticket to getting the information Gideon wants.
And then Maisie will be freed.
Ifollow the sound of hushed voices echoing through the halls of my dark prison. Well, it doesn’t look much like a prison and it’s not dark. Actually, it’s more like a fancy hotel. The kind with a luxury spa, where everything is white and cream and you wear robes and cucumbers under your eyes.
It’s a far cry from the place Gideon first took Skye and me to, which was so over the top dungeon-like, with cinder block walls and iron doors, I’m beginning to think he read a book calledVillain 101and copied what he saw just to scare us into complying. But even he must have been grossed out by the dinginess, because two minutes after Skye left, I was brought here.
Stopping a few feet before I get to the kitchen, I slip out of my sneakers and tiptoe closer.
“How much did she go for?” the blonde girl I’ve heard referred to as Scar asks.
“A mil,” Gideon replies.
She whistles. “I called it. I knew it would be more than a hundred K. You owe me ten.”
“I’ll add it to your next paycheck.”
“Correction.Iwill add it to my next paycheck. You’ll conveniently forget.”
“Will I?” he chuckles.
“The question is, will he kill her? If he does, you owe me ten more.”
My stomach tightens and a ball the size of an orange forms in my throat, making it hard to breathe. Kill her? Kill Skye? Is that what they’re saying? Why would Arran Maxton want to kill Skye? The whole reason I didn’t put up more of a fight was because he said she’d be safe!
“He won’t kill her,” he says, and my heart slows a little. “He’ll want to, but his sense of morality won’t let him go that far.”
Scar laughs. “What fucking sense of morality? Didn’t you see what he did to Yegor?”
“Yegor deserved far worse. Imogen does not.” There’s the sound of a chair being pushed, followed by footsteps, and I quickly move around the corner. “I have to go.”
“What do you mean you have to go?”
“I mean I have to go,” he says.
“All right. I’ll go get the kid.”
“Maisel is staying here.”
She laughs again, but this time, it sounds fake. “I’m sorry. I must have wax in my ears, because I thought I heard you say she’s staying. But, of course, you’re taking her with you, right?”
“No can do. I have too much shit to get done to babysit.”
“What you really mean is, you don’t want a kid around while you play with your little captive bird.”
My ears perk up. Another captive? And here I thought we were special.
“You didn’t have a problem with me playing with my captive bird before,” Gideon retorts.
“That’s because you weren’t trying to pawn off a kid on me. Take her with you. I’m sure she’ll get along with Sofia just fine.” She’s not laughing now. In fact, she sounds angry.