Page 71 of Don't Puck Him

She bites her lip. “And what if we didn’t want to be mild? What if we wanted to do something more intense?”

I can’t hide my smile growing at that question. “Well, I could always brand you. Pretty simple process. But of course, that limits what the mark can be. It would have to be something we could find in the right material.”

“I don’t know if I like it,” she says. “I’m yours but not like an animal. It’s more complicated than that.”

She’s right. It is more complicated. When you own an animal, the kind you would put a brand on, it’s for some purpose. You want meat or money from them. You force them to be whatever you want them to be.

It’s not like that with Wren. I don’t want something from her. I just care about her. I want her to be happy, because it makes me happy when she’s happy. It feels like I’m doing a good job. There’s no explaining it. She’s just important to me. And I want to be important to her.

Maybe that’s what’s different between her and the other girlfriends I’ve had before. I used to date girls because I wanted sex or kindness or even just to be able to say I was in a relationship. I did want them for a purpose. But not Wren. Wren I just want. I just love her.

“Or I could use a razor and cut it into you,” I continue. “Then you’d use oil or something to make sure it scars over. I could do almost anything that way.”

Her eyes widen. “I like that idea.”

“You’re sure?” I ask. “To be clear, it would be totally fine if you’re not into it or you think it sounded like too much. No disappointment. No judgment.”

Well, maybe a little bit of disappointment. But that would be for me.

“No, I want that,” she says. “I really want that.”

“Then I’ll get things ready for it,” I tell her. I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. “I’m gonna turn out the lights. Dream about what you’d like me to carve into you.”

She shivers slightly. I absolutely love it when she does that. It’s the sexiest thing in the whole world.

“I love you,” she mutters, getting comfortable on the pillow.

“I love you, too,” I say. I turn out the lights and rush back to bed, where she immediately wraps me in her arms again.



“Let’s go over everything we’re about to do,” Hunter begins. He’s sitting on the bed, while I’m lying down. For the purpose of this, he’s set everything that’s normally on the bedside counter on the ground. “I’m going to be cutting you four times, using this razor.”

He shows it to me. I feel a tenseness in my toes. It’s not that I’m scared exactly. I know it will be okay, because he’s watching out for me. It’s more like anticipation. In a few moments, the blade I’m looking at will be cutting into my skin. I’m going to feel that.

“Got it,” I say.

“I’ll be sterilizing the blade with alcohol, and that might sting. Still, it’s important for safety.”

“That’s okay.”

This won’t be the first time I’ve explored pain with Hunter. He has a very good idea of what I can take and what’s too much for me. He also knows how to calm me afterwards and pull me back whenever something does start to overwhelm me or push me out of the moment.

“After that, we’ll put some lotion, some cling film and a bandage on it, and that will be everything for tonight. The lotion shouldn’t hurt. Does that sound okay?”

“It does,” I agree.

“Alright then.” He gives me a smile. “If you’re ready, then take off your clothes.”

His voice changes just a little when he says that. It becomes a little lower and a little firmer. That’s the sound of him taking control, and my body responds to it faster than my mind. Before I can even think about it, I’m standing up and starting to remove my shirt.

I drop my pants and step out of them. He looks at me and grins. He likes to just watch me, and I enjoy feeling his gaze on my body. I wonder if I should pose or dance or something, but he seems to like me just standing there.

“Lie down,” he says, and I get onto the bed, face down.

“On your back,” he corrects. Immediately, I turn around, though I’m unsure why. We agreed that the symbol would go on my lower back, not my front.