Page 58 of Don't Puck Him

“The fact that we're even having this conversation shows you that my intentions are good. Who else has had your back this whole time?”

He has a point, and I really don't want to argue with him and turn him away just in case he is right. I don't think he is, but you never know.

“I hear you, okay. But please trust my judgment. And if I'm wrong, I know I still have you. I haven't forgotten that you've always been there for me.” I hug myself as I speak.

He looks at me brow furrowed, then away from me and into space. My heart trips over itself a hundred times as I wait for his response. The last thing I want to do is turn him off. He folds his arms, leans back and tilts his head towards me.

“Fine,” he says.

“Fine, what?”

“I'll trust you or whatever.”

A small smile pulls at the corners of my mouth. I want to hold his hand but his stance lets me know that he isn't in the mood to be touched.

“Thank you,” I say.

“I'll still keep an eye on him. And if he's so much as he looks at you wrong again…”

He gets up and grabs his gym bag, a sign that we should leave. I have a feeling the rest of that sentence is for Cash’s ears only.



“Is our third wheel coming with?” I ask Wren.

I'm sprawled on her dorm bed watching her dress up for our night out.

She's almost done but deciding on a pair of boots seems to be the most difficult decision of her life. About eight of them are scattered on the floor, waiting to be chosen.

“Cash doesn't hang out with us enough to even be considered a third wheel.” She yanks off a red boot and contemplates a beige pair.

We're going bar hopping. I don’t get why she can’t just put on the first pair of shoes she tried on.

“Well, it feels like he’s there every other time I think it’ll be just us,” I say with a small frown.

She sits down next to me. “You weren’t so hard on him the last time we chilled. And…” She pokes my cheek. “You’re kind of smiling talking about him, so his company can’t be that bad.”

“I’m not,” I say. But I feel a small smile play on my lips.

She is right. I’m coming around to it. I was resentful at first about his interference in our relationship. I’ve held my breath for a ‘gotcha moment’ from Cash. But weeks have passed, and it isn’t coming.

So I guess I’m cool with sharing her with him now. As long as he is on his best behavior. I still have to have a talk with him, and I think tonight might be the right time.

“Okay, I’m all done. Cash just texted, we’ll meet him there,” she says.

I throw on a jacket, grab my keys, and we leave.

Twenty minutes later, I park near the end of the block. We walk up towards our first stop, an Irish pub. It’s right next to a grill – very convenient for fuelling up any empty stomachs later. We find Cash standing outside with a group of kids.

Wren notices some friends from her dorm. They scream, hug and enter the bar together.

Cash nudges me before I can follow her in.

“Can I throw my coat in your car? It's not as cold as I thought.”

I escort him back to show him where it's parked and decide this is a good time to warn him about hurting her again.