“I’m back at my dorm, babe. No need to worry. Get some sleep xxx.”
I text her back immediately.
“I will now. You sleep better, Wren.”
Not much sleep is really had. The next day, I meet up with Wren, taking her by the waist as we walk to a cafe that has become our usual pre-and-post-class hangout spot. She is wearing high waisted jeans and a hoodie, her hair pushed over one shoulder with a healthy sheen even on the smoggy day. I take her by the loop of her pants and our pelvis’ smack together, brightening her tired eyes and triggering that look of excitement that drives me crazy.
“Hunter!” she emphasizes, looking up at me.
“Wren,”I say, imitating her tone. “Fuck, you look so good.”
She bites her lip as I crush her with mine. Just as our tongues begin to dance, she pushes me away by the chest, delicately but with meaning.
“Cash is coming with us. I invited him last night.”
My lips purse, and my fingers wander down to her ass, wanting to cup it with a strong squeeze to show my ownership. But Wren hooks them with her own and backs away from me at an arm's-length distance.
“Keep it together,” she says with a smirk.
My eyes narrow at her, though I try to smother my indignation. I don’t want to start a scuffle right here on the trail with a bunch of students flocking by, so I swallow and stick my hands in my pants.
“Whatever you say, mistress.”
Wren scowls at me, and I can’t help but grin. There’s a glimmer of intrigue in there, and it's gorgeous. I still have some kind of power over her emotions. I am still wanted.
Cash rolls up to us just in time, his hair still a dark mop of a mess, clothing wrinkled like he just scooped them off the floor. In his hand he has a textbook for one of his marketing classes, which I don’t recall him ever attending.
“What’s up, losers?” he barks at us with a wide, childlike smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever been awake early enough to go to acafe.”
I can feel resentment in me blooming when Wren lets out a little giggle. It’s cute, and one I thought had been reserved for me.
“Only you would admit something like that out loud,” Wren says, elbowing Cash in the gut. “Cafe’s are an all day practice. Welcome to the modern world.”
“Damn!” Cash exclaims and begins to cackle himself.
I try to play along, smiling and trying to make it not seem forced, walking alongside Wren while Cash walks along her other side. I can’t help but to feel like I’m already being forgotten about.
When we get to the cafe, we sit in our usual booth, but this time, Cash is included. He seems oblivious to my irritation, which isn’t unlike him. But he does seem, what, happy?
I should be happy, too, for the both of them, to have untangled the web of constraints that made his behavior toward his sister borderline abusive. I should be celebrating them.
But I’m not.
We order coffees and snacks and talk about light-hearted topics like our various classes and professors. I am sitting next to Wren and place my hand on her thigh under the table. I know she probably won’t like it, at least on the surface, but I can feel the heat radiating from her pussy already.
She needs to know where she stands in my life, andonlyin mine.
Wren doesn’t pull away initially, but when I try to slip under the fabric of her shorts, she claws her hand around my fingers and squeezes.
It’s a semi-rough gesture that isn’t entirely unpleasant, but the look on her face is rather serious. She keeps our fingers linked together through the rest of conversation, tight and adamant.
Eventually, it's time for us to go to our separate classes. When we leave Cash on his way, I take Wren by the waist again, pulling her into my arms.
“Oof!Hunter, what are you doing?” She giggles slightly.
I lift her chin up to mine. We are in the shade of an evergreen tree, the smog rolling around us like a Halloween nightmare.
“When are we going to get some time to ourselves?” I growl.