Page 68 of Don't Puck Him

The words pour out of me without really any awareness of consideration. It feels natural, like I’ve always believed it.

Her eyes go glossy, and she smiles up at me. I stroke her forehead and bring my fingers to hook under her chin. The words come out, and there is no stopping them.

And I don’t want to.

“We are in this together, Wren. Because I love you. You are mine, forever.”

Wren takes a sniff, then a long breath. It feels like an eternity before she speaks, my entire life hanging by a thread.

“Oh, Hunter. I love you, too. So much.”

The relief washes over me like a warm bath. Our lips touch in a gentle kiss, and we both begin to laugh. All of the anger has melted away, disappearing into the ether of our world, replaced by something so profoundly enthralling – a new adventure.

We lay together on the couch, holding each other, and talk about the life ahead. She is no longer crying, nor is her body rigid anywhere. She is relaxed, our calm state feeding into one another like a river of energy.

I never could have imagined that this would be my life. I have been with girls, of course, but none of them brought up such intense feelings in me like Wren. I once thought that they were dangerous but now, I know what the feeling radiating through my heart and soul really is.

It’s love, one of the fiercest sensations a man can experience.



Life is changing fast. There’s only about a month left of my first semester, and I am already moving in with Hunter; a boy who was once so mysterious and brooding to me that I couldn’t help quivering in fear of him.

I no longer feel that fear, but the intensity hasn’t worn off. Our sex life somehow feels more mature than most of my fellow students, who are really still experimenting for the sake of it, with little boys, no less.

Hunter is a man. I have known that since the second I met him. I trust him unwaveringly, and that expresses itself through explosive sex, enhancing our connection and willingness to push on through the hardships of everyday life. Being with him has made me study harder, plus be more relentless with my boundaries when it comes to my irritating mother.

But it has also given me strength, ironically, to be more firm with Hunter himself. I accept the majority of his passion towards me, but not when it crosses the line. I go to group study meetings and tell him not to text me. I don’t let him show up and demand my attention. That is a no-no from me.

I know that it will always be a part of him because of his past, and because I love him, I am empathetic toward it. He is healing in his own way, while I heal in my own. A lot of that passion has had a profound impact on me. I have never been so deeply loved in my entire life, and he is teaching me simultaneously that I deserve that love.

Today, I move in with him, and I simmer on all of these notions and rules we put into place before I agreed. It is early in November, a chill in the air seeping through a cracked open window.

“Can I lend a hand?”

Cash shows up holding a tray of coffee, grinning from ear to ear. We are nearly finished moving everything in, so I know his offer is supremely sarcastic.

Hunter is holding a box of my dishware when he scoffs. Cash comes in and places the coffees down, handing one to me while Hunter moves into the kitchen. Cash shrugs and takes a sip.

“Better late than never!” Hunter bellows from the other room.

Cash chuckles, and I chug a good amount of caffeine down my gullet. It tastes sweet and delicious, likely from a cafe off campus.

“Hey, man, I do what I can!” Cash yells back.

I take my head and turn to leave, wanting to set up a few of my things in the bathroom when Cash touches my wrist.

“Hey, I’ve got an update for you.”

Hunter returns to the room, checking each of the boxes for their designated markings. I can tell he is still listening. He’s stealthy like that. Plus, I don’t want to keep anything from him. Never again.

“Alright,” I say, taking a seat on the couch.

Hunter pursues his lips as Cash sits on the arm of the couch. Cash speaks openly, speaking to the both of us, which I enjoy now more than ever.

“So I managed to get a good talk in last night with Dad,” he begins, knee jostling up and down with excitement. “He agreed that he will help you pay for tuition, albeit secretly. Your mom doesn't have to know anything at all!"