I let it all out, and he gently strokes my body as I suck in air and quiver from the pounding orgasm.
Finally he takes me in his arms. “How do you feel?” he asks.
“Good.” That's all I can say. I’ve never felt anything like that, and the feeling of Hunter holding me as I slowly come back down from it is wonderful.
Cash’s dad yelling at me seems a million miles away right now, as if it was something that happened to a completely different person. Hunter is holding me now. I’m with Hunter, and that’s all that matters.
“Do you feel like my property?” he asks, his voice teasing but also tender.
It takes all my effort in my current state to turn my head to look at him. He’s smiling at me, and I can feel a smile growing across my face, too.
“Yes,” I tell him. “Yes, that’s exactly how I feel.”
He runs his fingers through my hair, and I relax into his shoulder. He feels so warm and good, and I want nothing more than to lie here forever.
“Are you doing okay?” Hunter murmurs, skating his hands across my bare body to settle at my waist. They feel nice there and comforting. I know what he’s asking about, and I hesitate before replying.
“I’m just a little shaken up from the whole thing with Cash and his dad,” I tell him. “A little more shook-up than I thought I was.”
He pulls me close and wraps me in a warm hug. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
“You saved me,” I remind him softly, blinking up at him.
He gives me a smile. “Well, Cash helped.”
“Yeah, but Cash is a jerk,” I reply. “You’re not.”
“If you say so.” He looks slightly uncomfortable. Is that how he thinks of himself? A jerk?
I want to tell him that he’s so much more than that. That even if he has rough edges, I love him.
Maybe I even love him for those rough edges.
Any morning after a night spent with Wren feels like a kick in the balls. I hate being away from her, but this morning, things seem off to a worse start than usual.
“What the hell was that the other night?” I get into Cash’s face.
“What was what?”
“You know what. I thought all that public bullying and shaming you do to Wren was over.”
“Oh, that.” Cash smirks. “That was nothing. Just a bit of fun. I went easy on her in the end, didn’t I?”
“Not funny, man. Not freakin’ funny at all. You need to cough it up?”
Cash walks away. I catch up, grab him by the shoulder, and turn him around.
“Hunter, back off, will ya? Cough up what? You’re starting to get on my nerves.”
I pull Cash’s arm and get him off the path so others can walk by. What we need to hash out shouldn’t be bold-faced in public.
“Listen, I’ve put up with your bullshit remarks you throw at Wren. Sure, at first, she’s a campus newbie and we eat newbies for breakfast. But your act is old, dude. You either tell me what’s going on between you two, or man, you and I will have some unfinished business.”