Page 45 of Don't Puck Him

Ever since I moved in, David has been intimidating to me. But for the most part, he’s left me alone. I hardly register on his radar. And when we bump into each other at the house, he always gives me a wide berth, like I’m contagious or something. I’ve paid the guy no mind until tonight, when I had no choice.

As I stand there with Hunter and watch Cash escort his father home, I’m awash in confusion and fear. What did I do to piss that guy off? I have no clue. I’m still a little baffled that Cash didn’t just throw me to the wolves, either.

Hunter changes and meets me outside the locker room, and we leave together. He keeps his head on a swivel all the way out of the building, on the hunt, I guess, for David and another one of his drunken attacks.

As Hunter drives, I think back on the attack tonight. The only bright spot in that confrontation with David is watching not only Hunter come to my rescue, but also Cash. When the guy isn’t raging at me or isn’t drunk, Cash shows a kinder, gentler, more protective side. Maybe the guy doesn’t really wish me harm after all. Maybe all this has been a cheap show on his side.

I smile.

Hunter catches my smile. “What’s that grin all about?”

I turn. “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I’m just glad you guys were there to back me up with my stepdad, if I can even call him that.”

“You know I’d always have your back. And it looks like Cash is warming up to you, too. I guess that’s a good thing overall. It could save our relationship. Maybe he’s seeing you as I do. A girl of true value.”

I smile again. I stay quiet.

“Listen, I don’t know if that’s just the booze talking, but Mr. Anderson went way over the line tonight. I don’t know what his problem is. Or why he’d have a problem with you.”

I sigh. “He said he blames me for Cash’s performance tonight.”

Hunter laughs. “He blames you? Oh my God, that’s hilarious! That Cash couldn’t skate to save his life tonight or find the damn puck hasn’t one iota to do with you. The dude’s been hitting the party scene too hard. Tonight, it was a constant hangover that did him in. To go after you for Cash. That’s just plain wrong.”

I stare out the windshield. It’s a moonless night, dark and bleak. A slow steady drizzle comes down. Fall has kicked in, here in Boston. And for the first time since I moved here, I feel a New England chill. But also for the first time, my heart is warmer when I think of Cash.

I don’t think he completely hates me after all. There’s something going on with his father I am clueless about. But it’s none of my business. I’ll take what I can get from Cash and call it a win.

“You’re smiling again.” Hunter grabs me and pulls me close to him. One hand on the wheel and one around my waist. I lay my head on his shoulder.

“Yeah. Maybe I’m starting to see that with every black cloud, good rain falls.”

As Hunter drives us through the black wet streets of Boston, my heart is content.

I cast aside David’s unprovoked attack and stuff it way back in my memory banks. There’s a mystery there, but for tonight it can keep. The two men who play the biggest roles in my life both came to my rescue.Can I ask for more?

I close my eyes for the rest of the drive. Tonight is the night I am no longer hated by Cash Anderson and very much adored by Hunter Fowler. I belong. I have an actual family.No, there’s nothing I could want for more.



Ifeel far more settled than I had beforehand when it came to choosing between Cash and Wren. His father had done the majority of the dirty work for me. Coming up to his stepdaughter, all drunk and inappropriate, had forced us to team up in defense of someone we are both linked to. I’m beyond satisfied to know that Wren feels the same, curled up into me as I drive into the dead night, her vanilla scent crawling up my nostrils and tingling like a breeze.

I drive on with Wren still dozing on my shoulder, feeling my phone vibrate in my jeans. I let it be until we pull into the driveway of my apartment. I linger for a bit, stroking Wren’s soft and glossy hair. I could stay here all night. This kind of peace is stunning.

“What are we doing?”

I continue stroking her hair, grinning to myself and closing my eyes.

“Just reveling in the moment, for now.”

Wren chuckles, a kind of dorky laugh that women only expose when they are comfortable with someone. I feel honored as she rises up from the seat, a naughty glint in her eyes.

They scan my lips, my jaw, my chest, then saunter down to my crotch. I know what kind of devilish thoughts are sparking in the hearth of her mind.

She places two fingers on my chin and traces them along my jawline. I am entranced.

“Do you know if Cash will be here tonight?”