Page 12 of Don't Puck Him

I’m about to smile and say thanks, when…

“Wren, what the actual fuck? You’re at another frat party all alone? You didn’t get intimidated enough at the last gig? You don’t look dumb – are you dumb? Can’t believe I had to save your pretty ass like this. As a female, you should know better than to go around these frat parties on your own.”

I’m gobsmacked.

Hunter rescues me, then calls me out. He’s a hero and an ass. Cripes.

I cross my arms, wipe the smile off my lips, and scowl at my arrogant savior.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Hunter. You stepped up for her? Seriously? Want the hell, man?”

Oh, perfect. Cash is here, too. Grand. I keep my arms crossed and my scowl firmly fixed.

“Wren, you’re an idiot. Go back to your dorm. Hunter, you’re an idiot for saving this idiot. Come with me. They brought a new keg in, and it’s freezing cold this time.”

Hunter stares at me with angry dagger eyes and walks away with Cash.

I whisper, “I hate you both. I think.”



Ifigure the skirmish is done. Drew stumbles off. Wren is saved. It’s clear for me and Cash to party on.

We head off and help set up the second keg. Cash isn’t kidding. This keg is so cold somebody finds two pairs of gloves in the garden shed to handle it without burning our skin.

“Man, this’ll be sweet,” I say.

“Hand me that other pair, man. Let’s get this baby pouring,” shouts Cash.

He and I smile from ear to ear. Now the party’s started. No more female drama bullshit. Just a decent brew with friends.

I’m the first to get a pour. I take my plastic cup and plunk down beside a lawn ornament. It’s one of those old-fashioned lantern guys, all dressed up like fox hunters or something. I throw an arm around my cement shaped pal and start chug-a-lugging.

“You know,” I say, burping out the words. “This year is going to be the best. We’re past all that first year bullshit. The hockey coach likes us, finally. I can skate through the midterms. More time to lay back with my old lawn buddy friend here and do what hockey players do best. Drink!”

“Right back at ya, bro,” Cash burps out.

I raise my cup to toast my buddy when out of the corner of my eye I see Drew heading around to the side of the frat house, lurching forward. I know where he’s headed.

I jump to my feet, sober as a monk. The buzz instantly disappears when I smell trouble. “Hey, man, Cash, chill here for a sec. Pour me another one, will ya? I’ll be right back.”

Cash laughs. “Gotta take a piss, huh?”

“Yeah, something like that.” I wave Cash off and follow Drew, slowly jogging towards the side yard.

I get about fifteen feet into the side of the house when I spy Wren. She’s walking my way. I figure she’s trying to leave the party the only clear way out. In between me and her is Drew. He stumbles toward Wren, full speed ahead.

I see Drew smack Wren up against the siding. I actually hear the thud. He’s got her trapped between his arms. Drew goes in for a kiss, his hands all over her.

I tear down the grass and body-check the brute — twice, once wasn’t enough — to get him the hell off Wren. I don’t care if this giant leaves a mark on me. No matter how much Cash and I play with this girl, neither one of us wants this – an honest to God sexual attack to occur.

It only takes seconds, but the entire time I’m fending off this monster, I’m fighting with myself. I can’t decide who I'm more enraged at. Drew for being the asshole he is, or Wren, for putting herself in danger like this.

I know Drew is big like Mt. Everest and dumb like a post. Is this Wren chick dumb, too? Maybe I’ve been too harsh on Cash, treating her like he has. Maybe he knows more than I do about this dense woman. Maybe she’s not worth the effort.

But I bulldoze ahead and get her free. My muscles and morals work before asking permission from my mind.