Page 1 of Don't Puck Him



“I’m fucking Cinderella without the fanfare.”

That’s how I feel right now.

But instead of a carriage, I’m in the backseat of a sleek luxury sedan. The car moves up a never-ending gravel driveway littered with pristine white stones. Pebbles crunch beneath its tires. The driver isn’t taking me to the ball, however – I’m moving from middle class Malden to my new home across town in bougie Weston.

The fairy godmother is actually my mom, and boy, did she work some magic to make this possible.

A text comes in from her. “Speak of the devil.”

I tilt my phone left and right to try and read it. A bit hard with all the strategic cracks on my screen, but I finally make out what it says.

Cash is waiting for you…

There’s no charming prince at my destination… just a new step brother. Cash. I’m not sure how to feel about meeting him for the first time. Both our parents won’t be there to buffer any chaos.

I'm not really sure how to respond to Mom's message, either.Thanks?Is he okay with this?How was your secret wedding?

The phone call I had with her earlier that day plays in my head.

“Wren? Darling, I got married. I can't wait for you to meet David.”

“Are you drunk? When did this happen?”

“Three days ago in Vegas. I'm sending a car to take you to our new home around lunch.”

“Today! Mom, that's insane. Will I find you there?”

“No, we're on our honeymoon. We’ll join you later in the evening, but your new brother is there.”

I feel my cheeks start to warm. First time I speak to her in five days, and that’s what she leads with. Plus, shenevercalls me darling. I shove all thoughts to the back of my mind and watch out the window.

Judging by how far back the house is set in the thick woods, it’ll be a far cry from the one-bedroom apartment Mom and I call home.

“Calledhome,” I mumble audibly.

I bite my lip and glance at the driver to make sure he didn't hear me being weird. Our eyes meet in the rearview mirror. I quickly divert mine out the window, just in time to see the thicket give way to a clearing.

My eyes widen at the grand, stone colonial manor that looms before us. It is breathtaking.

The driver kills the engine and gets out to open my door.

I step out and instantly feel small. The sheer size of the house and its majestic backdrop of blue sky and green canopy is jarring.

Who did you marry, Mom?I ask myself.

There's no luggage to unload. Mom insisted I leave everything. We’re starting fresh, no room for discussion. I dip my head into the car to pick up my one act of defiance. A tote bag with a few possessions I just couldn't leave behind.

The driver tips his cap at me and drives away.

I clutch the straps of my single bag and walk up the front steps to the big red mahogany front door. I’m shaking like a leaf by the fifth ring. What if he forgot that I'm coming?

The door opens a peep.

I almost melt from the gratitude that soars through me.