Page 61 of Fixing Their Heart

I’m naked on Jud’s desk, and I’ve got a powerful, sexy man in front and behind me. I’m caged by strength and protection, and more than anything else, that security makes me feel free.

I redouble my efforts with Jud’s Hammer, showing him, with my mouth, how much I feel for him, even when he’s being stubborn.

Jud shows his appreciation with gruff noises that only make my insides burn hotter.

My need grows until I need more than Rev’s gentle petting. I need—“Mmpf!”

A smack to my butt shocks a garbled exclamation from me. The brief sting is followed by a hot, glowing warmth. Then there’s another smack, to my other cheek.

I moan around my prize. And then I moan more, because Rev’s touch moves to the hot, wet center of my need. I try, with my voice, to let him know I want him to slide his fingers inside me, but I doubt I’m getting my point across. There’s a throbbing erection in my mouth. So, I push back at him.

He must understand my body language, because he cups me between my legs and strokes over my clit.Oh! Ohhh!The bright sensation makes me work even harder on Hammer. I’m devouring him. I’m…fucking him with my mouth.

“Jesus Christ,” Jud says. “What are you doing to her?”

“Playin’ with her little clitty, that’s what,” Rev says.

Jud hisses a drawn-out curse. As he melts back into his chair, the springs beneath protest with a squeal. “Keep it up.” I don’t know if he’s talking to me or Rev, but I don’t plan to stop any time soon, and I’m willing to bet the same goes for Rev.

“Oh, I’ll keep it up,” Rev says. “And I’ll give her more, to boot. You want more, don’t you, little one? You want Daddy to fuck you with his fingers.” It’s not a question. He knows I do.

“Fuuuck,”Jud says, voice thick with enjoyment. Then he stiffens. “Wait.” His hands tense on my head. “No. Don’t go inside her.”

My heart swells. Stubborn as he can be, Jud’s always looking out for me.

I come off his Hammer. “It’s okay.” Spit runs down my chin. I must look a mess, but I press on. “I’m getting better. You’reallhelping me.” I look back at Rev. “Please, I want to feel your fingers.” I push back at him again. With a nod at Jud’s surprised expression, I dip back down to Hammer. I’m desperate to taste his come. I want it like I’m starving and it’s the richest source of nutrition.

Jud moans a curse as I suck hard, hollowing my cheeks.

Then I’m moaning, too, because Rev is holding me securely with an arm wrapped around my waist, and he dips the tip of one finger into my needy channel. It’s not enough.

Rev knows. The slow glide continues as he pushes that single digit deeper. My nerve endings light up. I remember having Grim’s tongue inside me, laving my inner walls, then his finger. One, single digit, combined with his mouth suckling at my clit, and I was done for.

It feels just as good, as Rev works his finger all the way inside me. Then he withdraws it. I start to cry out in protest, but he’s back with a second finger…I think. It’s hard to tell, because my focus is divided. But I feel fuller. The sensation is hotter, deeper. Then I feel Rev rotate his hand. Firm pressure finds that spot at the front of my channel, and I’m a wild thing.

I’m humping on Rev’s hand and attacking Hammer with suction. My moans are practically screams as pleasure lashes me.

Then Jud’s spurting into my mouth, filling me to overflowing, and the warm, silky offering takes my pleasure to new heights.

My body is no longer under my control. Sensation is in charge. Sensation makes me rigid, makes me flutter, makes me explode with pleasure.

While I’m still panting, while my insides are still glowing, Jud gathers me onto his lap and kisses me senseless. When he’s done kissing me, he says, “This gonna become a habit, kitten?”

I raise my eyebrows at him. It takes effort. I feel like a towel wrung dry. All I want to do is lie limply in his arms for hours. But I remember I had a purpose here. I focus on the question. “You mean me giving you blowjobs while Rev makes me come? And being able to do things like this with the others, too? I hope so.” That was kind of the point of this little exercise, to show Jud how good it can be if he gives me more freedom.

He pets my hair with long strokes of his hand. His eyelids are lowered, his body relaxed. He’s more like he was when I first came in here, but the transformation isn’t complete. There’s still a hardness about him, a stubbornness. “Not what I meant.”

“What did you mean?”

“I was talking about you leading me around by my dick? You gonna make a habit of it?”

I frown. His words conjure an image of me walking him down a sidewalk with a dog leash attached to Hammer.

“He means, he’s giving you what you want, little one, and he thinks he’s doin’ it because of what we just did.” Rev is on the couch again, long arms stretched along the tops of the back cushions. He’s zipped up and put together, and I wonder if he came. But I’m too distracted by what he just said to wonder for very long.

I perk up and face Jud. “You’re going to let me be in charge of my own time?”

He narrows his eyes at Rev, then tightens his hold on me. “Long as you keep things fair,” he says with a hint of warning in his voice.