“Characters from a Jane Austen novel, which you would know, if you ever sat still long enough to read,” I answer.

“I read! I listen to audiobooks all the time.”

“Audiobooks don’t count.”

“I’m not getting into this argument with you again,” Grayson says, looking as close as he can to frustrated. It’s hard for Grayson to ever look truly mad. I’ve seen it only a handful of times in mylife.

“Well, now that you’ve confirmed I’m alive and not in a hospital, your conscience is clear and you can leave.”

“Have you seen any of the messages from the sibling group chat?”

“My phone is off.”

“Of course it is,” he groans and then looks pleadingly at Juliette. “Please, I’mbeggingyou, marry my brother so that we maintain contact with him. I’m worried he’s going to hide away from the world in a cave somewhere.”

“I enjoyed our quiet morning actually, so I can’t complain about him being off the grid.” The little smirk playing on her lips makes me all the more eager to be rid of Grayson. When she meets my eyes, desire courses through me like a swift river.

Grayson tilts his head back, looking toward the sky. “Am I to never know peace in this life?”

“Are you going to quit being dramatic anytime soon?” I ask and he lets out an exasperated sigh.

“If you’d justcheck your phone, I wouldn’t even be here.” His expression sobers. “I’m sure you know, tomorrow is Mom’s birthday. MJ and Bash invited everyone over to their house for dinner. We all want you there. Juliette is welcome, of course.”

I look down at Juliette, who squeezes my hand and gives me an encouraging nod. “I’ll be there.”

Grayson’s face softens into a smile once more. “Good.”

“Now go before I drag you off my property.”

“As much as I’d love to take you down, I’ll leave. Wouldn’t want Juliette to see how strong I am and get tempted to leave you.”

I shake my head at him, laughing as he saunters away.

“Enjoy your day off!” he calls out as he opens his car door. “I’ll be slaving away keeping our business afloat while you make out with your girlfriend.”

“He’s hilarious,” Juliette says, waving to Grayson’s retreating car.

“He’s something alright.”

“I’m glad you’re going to go tomorrow. I’m proud of you.”

I smile down at her and draw her in for a hug. “You might turn me into a Bingley if you keep this up.”

She presses a kiss to my chest over my shirt. “Darcy had a soft heart all along, if you recall. So I’m not changing you, just exposing what’s already here.”

“Whatever you want to call it, it’s all for you.”

She tilts her head back and smiles up at me. “I’ll take it.”

I resume the kiss from before Grayson interrupted us, not sure when to tell her I love her, but all the more sure that I do.

Chapter thirty-three

Juliette Monroe

Treesbluroutsidethewindow as we drive toward Adrian’s sister’s house. The car is silent, the low sound of the radio and the hum of the air conditioning are the only things breaking the hush. Adrian has been–understandably–more quiet and introspective today.

This morning, we walked around the lake together then had tea. He went to work but responded to my check-in texts throughout the day. Our relationship is still new, so I didn’t want to push him too much, but I did want to be sure that he was okay. He picked me up right after he got off work and now we’re on our way to see his family. I’m not sure what to expect, but I’ll be here for Adrian no matter what.