“Yeah well you’ve been avoiding everyone so we’ve been sent to make sure you stay longer than an hour,” Levi says.

I cross my arms over my chest and glower at them. “I haven’t avoided anyone. I’m going to go by myself and leave when I want.”

Grayson heaves a sigh, but there’s a grin on his face. “Guess that means we have to use force.”

“Guess so,” Levi smirks.

I try to take a step back to brace myself, but there’s nowhere for me to go since my back is to the door. My foot catches on the lip of the doorframe. Grayson lunges at me, trying to grab my shoulders first. I’m attempting to fight him off when Levi knocks my legs out from under me, lifting them off the ground while Grayson is holding my upper body. I swing my arm around Grayson and pull him into a headlock while twisting and kicking at Levi to get him to let go of my legs.

“This is absurd,” I grit out and squeeze Grayson’s neck tighter.

Levi is laughing like we’re all back in grade school, while Grayson is wheezing in my ear. All the commotion almost makes me miss the door opening. We all freeze in place when a gasp sounds and I tilt my head to find Juliette standing in my doorway with disheveled hair and wide eyes.

“Nice to see you again, Juliette,” Grayson rasps. I loosen the headlock a little so he can breathe better, but make sure I keep what little advantage I have.

Levi nods to her. “Juliette, didn’t expect to find you here.”

Her skin flushes red from her neck up. It’s clear what this looks like. This is the worst possible way for Juliette to wake up.

My brothers look at me then back to her. I use the distraction of her presence to kick out of Levi’s grip. Once I have my feet under me, I keep Grayson in the headlock.

“You look lovely this morning,” Grayson pants, his voice somehow still laced with humor as he gazes up at her in a headlock.

Juliette seems stuck, her mouth opening and closing like she doesn’t know what to say.

“She fell asleep on my couch last night,” I explain for her, knowing that she’s probably in shock.

“Sounds like a plausible explanation.” Levi’s voice is a little too teasing for my liking. I shoot him a look that shows my distaste.

“I’m going to go now before I pass out from embarrassment,” Juliette finally speaks and Grayson laughs. I tighten my grip, cutting off his laughter.

She bolts across the lawn, Murphy on her heels.

“I feel like every time I’ve seen her she’s running away,” Levi–unhelpfully–comments. “Do you think it's us?”

“I think it’s Adrian,” Grayson rasps.

“It’s definitely you two,” I growl, letting go of Grayson and pushing him away from me. “Stay,” I order then go after Juliette.

My socks are wet and freezing as I cross the damp grass and I add it to the list of things to be angry at my brothers about.

“Juliette, wait,” I say as she starts to unlock her door. I step close to her, blocking her from my brothers’ sight with my body. She smells like vanilla and chamomile and even though they’re bleary, her green eyes are captivating.

“I’m so sorry, Adrian. I didn’t mean to fall asleep and now your brothers think we–” she cuts herself off, squeezing her eyes shut. “I’mmortified,” she whispers.

My fingers twitch with the desire to draw her in, to attempt to soothe her. I shouldn’t do anything of the sort, especially with my brothers watching, but my protective instincts win out. I tug her into my arms and rub her back over the soft velvet of her dress. She immediately wraps her arms around my waist and I feel the tension slowly dissipate from her body. My chest warms with the knowledge that my touch did that. It’s a heady feeling I want to bask in.

“You don’t have anything to be embarrassed about. They take me at my word, but even if they didn’t, you don’t need to care about anyone else’s opinions.”

She tilts her head back to look up at me while in my arms. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this close to a woman–can’t remember the last time I wanted to be either. But after we separate I know I’m going to begin to crave this. I should pull away now, try to minimize the damage, but I don’t. Instead, I calculate every detail of her facial expression and the way her soft body feels wrapped up in my arms. I note every sensation and file it away in the most important cabinet of my mind, so it’s easy to find and reminisce if this all goes down in flames.

“I’m not like you, I can’t turn off the part of my brain that cares what people think. Ten years from now when I can’t sleep, I’m going to remember this moment in vivid detail and replay it over and over again until I’m nauseous.”

“If you’re going to replay this moment, then let’s change the ending.” My voice comes out unexpectedly gruff.

Her gaze flicks down to my lips then back up to my eyes. Heat washes over me and I consider throwing caution to the wind and kissing her, but I can’t. She deserves more than an impulsive kiss, but I don’t know that I can open up enough to give her what she deserves.

“How do you suggest we do that?” Her low, silky voice sends a tingle down my spine and a deep ache forms within me. The kind of ache that tells me I’m already in too deep.