“Oh brother dearest!” Grayson croons out across the lot, making me growl. I was almost to my car, too. “Where might you be headed so early in the evening?”

I turn around to face him as he saunters toward me.

“Nowhere. How did you know I was leaving?”

“You were holding the folder too tight and you rarely give assignments out at the end of the day unless it’s an emergency. If it was an emergency, you would have told me.”

I rake a hand through my hair. It’s annoying how good he is. And even more annoying howoffJuliette makes me.

“I’m going out with a friend,” I say and he raises his eyebrows.

“Okay, now for the real story.”

“It’s true,” I grit out through clenched teeth.

“Is this friend named Juliette?” I give him a flat look and he gives me a feline grin in return. “So it’s a date.”

I can’t help the chuckle that slips out. “No, it’s not a date. It would be a terrible one if it was.”

Grayson frowns at that. “Well, if she’s getting you out of your fortress of solitude I guess I can’t complain. Though I do wish that my own twin would want to hang out with me more.”

I open my mouth to say something about us working together every day but stop. Maybe it’s the way he said it, or maybe it’s Juliette getting into my head about friendship, but it has me changing my intended comeback.

“We can get together sometime soon, okay?”

His grin widens. “Oh, she really is working on you. I’ll have to get this girl a present!” He slaps me on the shoulder. “Have fun on your non-date, give Juliette my love.”

I roll my eyes and head to my car. My mind is buzzing in anticipation as I drive to Peach Hollow. Even though I’m certain bingo will be a disaster, the thought of seeing Juliette has me tapping the steering wheel to the beat of the music.

As soon as I realize I’m doing it, I stop and grip the wheel tight. I cannot let myself feel anything more than friendship with Juliette. Nothing romantic of any kind. She has too many secrets and I don’t know how to trust someone enough to love them.It would be a disaster, I remind myself. Then I nod in resolution and make a pact that I’ll focus on all thingsplatonicwith her tonight.

Chapter fourteen

Juliette Monroe

Ican’tstopshiftingin my seat as I wait for Adrian to arrive at the church-turned-bingo-hall. Poppy eyes me from across the table like I left my brain on the church steps before entering. I've been anxious all day today. I had to redo a design seven times because I kept getting distracted and writing the wrong thing.

“You’re wiggling around like you’re sitting on a mound of fire ants, child. What’s gotten into you? I know you’re not nervous about bingo.”

I fiddle with the edge of my stack of bingo cards and shake my head.

“Oh, I see now.” Poppy smirks and looks above my head. “Your man is coming tonight.”

I glance over my shoulder and spot Adrian making a beeline to me through the arrangement of tables. The uncomfortable church pews are pushed up against the walls and in their place is a series of plastic tables and chairs. Adrian weaves through the maze, not even sparing a glance at the people clearly trying to get his attention. We’re going to have to work on that.

“He’snotmy man,” I whisper to Poppy before shooting to my feet. “Adrian!” I greet his scowl with my brightest smile. His scowl softens slightly but doesn’t let up completely.

“There are too many people here,” he grumbles and sits in the seat next to mine.

Poppy is the only other person at our table, which is why I chose this one. Adrian already knows Poppy and they both like tea, which is an easy conversation topic. Plus, if I sat us anywhere else he’d be interrogated instead of able to have a conversation. Though with the way Poppy’s eyes are sparkling, I’m not sure if she’s going to stick to justteain our conversation tonight.

“I’m happy you came,” I say to him as I sit back down. He grunts in response. “Aw, cheer up Sunshine, tonight will be fun.” My tone is teasing and without thinking, I lay a hand on his forearm.

“Please don’t start calling me Sunshine,” he grouses but I can see the corner of his mouth lift.

“Too late, that’s your new nickname. Remember what I said about not getting to choose nicknames?” I ask with a saccharine smile. He shoots me a glare, but it has no heat behind it.

“I should have stayed at work. This was not worth dealing with Grayson.”