My mouth drops. “Poppy, you did not bet on us!”

“Every smart woman knows to always bet on a sure thing.”

“I thought there was no such thing as a sure thing?” Adrian asks with a raised brow.

“If you have a woman’s intuition, there is.” She winks at him and he chuckles.

“Fair enough.”

“Now, what can I get for you two love birds?”

I look up at the beautiful chalkboard menu, tilting my head to the side as I try to decide.

“I think I’ll have a white chocolate peppermint tea latte,” I say and Poppy nods, tapping on the screen of her check-out system.

“I’d like a hot cinnamon plum herbal tea,” Adrian says, getting the tea that I almost chose.

“Okay, I’ll get those for you. Juliette, I know you want an almond croissant,” Poppy says with a warm smile. “Adrian, would you like something? I have a vanilla scone that would pair well with your tea.”

Adrian nods. “Sounds perfect, thank you, Poppy.”

We settle into our favorite booth and I look out the window at the community square. It’s a beautiful, clear day. There’s not a cloud in sight and even though it’s still brisk in the morning air, you can tell Spring is on its way. The trees are regaining their leaves and the grass is becoming green once more. I smile as I see an older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, walking hand in hand toward the market.

I turn back toward Adrian and catch him staring at me. He’s wearing a soft smile that turns my insides to mush.

“What?” I ask.

“I love seeing you happy.”

If there was ever any question as to if I’d fallen for Adrian yet, there isn’t any longer. I feel as though I’m becoming new again along with the grass and trees I was just gazing at. I don’t believe that a man is capable of saving me from my struggles, not even one as wonderful as Adrian. But I do believe that he’s helping nurse my bruised and battered heart back to health.

And though it’s probably too fast, too soon, my love confession sits on the tip of my tongue, begging to be declared. I hold it in, not sure that here and now is the right time.

Unable to respond due to my emotions, I reach out and grab his hand on top of the table. He flips his hand over, grasping mine tenderly. Our eyes meet and I know that I won’t be able to hold in my feelings for long.

“Come on, Sunshine, I don’t want to be late,” I say, dragging–or rather, attempting to drag–Adrian up the church steps.

It’s bingo night, and after Poppy gave us our lunch for free on Saturday morning, I thought it would only be appropriate to come to help her win her bet.

“They’re going to take forever to get started anyway,” he grumbles, wearing a scowl.

Adrian’s vote was to stay in tonight. He almost convinced me with a few low-spoken words in my ear, but I promised Poppy we would come.

“You know you’ll have fun once we’re in here,” I tell him as we climb the final step.

“No, I will not.You’llhave fun.”

I stop and turn to him before we open the door. Muffled talking flows through the walls and light spills out of the stained glass windows into the night.

“Are you really against going? I don’t want to force you if you’ll be miserable.”

He sighs, the corner of his mouth hitching up in a half-smile before he presses a kiss to my forehead. “I wouldn’t go if it wasn’t for you, but I will have fun because I’m with you.”

I press onto my tiptoes and wrap my arms around him, kissing him softly. “Thanks, Sunshine.”

His arms wrap around my waist, drawing me close for a deeper kiss that sends tingles from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I play with the hair on the nape of his neck, eliciting a low sound in the back of his throat.

A loud gasp punctures our bubble of happiness.