Attached to his text is a photo of Murphy next to him on the couch. He has his arm slung around Murphy and there’s a faint smile on his lips. As if I wasn’t already hopelessly falling for him, he has to go and win over my dog too. Not that Murphy is difficult to win over or anything, but still. It’s hard to beat the image of a beautiful man snuggling a puppy. Can I make this my lock screen without anyone noticing?

“I can walk you to your car,” Grayson offers and I snap my head up.

I briefly consider showing him Adrian’s photo for fun, but some part of me wants to keep it between us, even if Grayson seems to be supportive of us becoming more than friends.

“That would be great, thanks, Grayson.”

We walk in amiable silence through the parking garage to my little silver Mazda. It’s held up over the years, but it’s nothing compared to Adrian’s sleek sports car. I’m assuming Grayson drives something similar.

“Drive safe,” Grayson says as I unlock my car. “Be sure to push all of Adrian’s buttons and give him a hard time about everything for me.”

I laugh, the sound echoing through the concrete garage.

“Will do. Thanks again, Grayson.”

I slide into my front seat and close the door. Grayson walks in the direction of the hotel. I buckle my seatbelt and start my car. Right as I’m about to respond to Adrian’s text, a tap on my windshield makes me jump. Grayson smiles at me as I roll down my window.

“Hey, sorry if I scared you.” He shifts from one foot to the other, looking nervous for the first time since I’ve met him. “I just wanted to say, don’t give up on Adrian.” He cringes as if he regrets his words. “I mean, if he’s being a jerk you don’t have to stick around–” His hair falls in front of his eyes after he rakes his hand through it. “You know what? Forget I said anything. Have a nice night.”

He taps the top of my car and turns on his heel, walking away at a pace too fast to be relaxed. I roll my window back up, not sure what just happened. Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to my phone.

Juliette: You two look like you’ve had a better night than me. I’m heading back now, see you soon.

Adrian’s reply comes instantly.

Sunshine: I’ll make some tea and you can tell me about it. Be safe.

Juliette: I will! Thanks, you’re the best.

I bite my lip as I press send. Maybe my Valentine’s Day won’t be so bad after all.

Chapter twenty

Adrian Carter

Ikeepmystepslight as I walk around my kitchen. Rays of morning sun filter in through my back door and windows, creating a soft halo on a certain head of blonde hair resting on one of my throw pillows.

Juliette stayed on my couch last night. She got in from the event late and after two cups of chamomile tea and a relay of her night, she dozed off while I was telling her how Murphy chased a duck on our walk. I didn’t have it in me to move her, even though I should have. So, I went to bed and stared at the ceiling most of the night, unable to fall asleep knowing Juliette was in the other room.

Eventually, my body gave in and I got a couple hours of sleep. Now I’m up and have no idea what to do. Murphy is dozing on the rug nearby, not helping me by waking her up to go out. I walk over to her, trying to think of a way to wake her that won’t feel incredibly awkward. Not that I have any reason to feel weird, but I know Juliette well enough by now to know that she’ll open her eyes and start apologizing.

Her honey-colored hair is splayed out across the rust-colored throw pillow, the curls from last night loose and wild. The blanket I laid over her is tucked under her chin and her lips are parted, still stained that sweet berry color. She looks ethereal in the hazy glow of the morning. I want to let her stay here all day in this peaceful state, but I know the longer she sleeps, the more apologetic she’ll be when she wakes up. I can’t stand the thought of her feeling like an inconvenience, which is why I’m taking far too long to consider my way of waking her.

I reach out to touch her shoulder when there’s a knock at the door. Juliette stirs, but her eyes don’t open. My socks brush the hardwood floor as I pass a still dozing Murphy. He’s not much of a guard dog, that’s for sure.

I swing open the door and my stomach drops. Grayson and Levi are waiting for me on my front porch. I immediately step out and close the door behind me, hoping they didn’t see Murphy or Juliette in the seconds the door was open.

“What are you doing here?”

“We’re here to take you to the cookout,” Grayson answers. I can feel Levi analyzing me, likely wondering why I stepped outside so fast. But as long as I can get them out of here before they start asking too many questions I’ll be in the clear.

“I have a car, I can drive.”

“When you drive, you also leave early,” Grayson says and I give him a flat look.

“That’s the point.”

My family takes cookout days quite seriously. They spend the entire day there together eating, playing games, watching whatever sport is in season. I prefer to drive later in the day closer to the time to eat and then leave whenever I’m tired of being around people. That usually doesn’t take very long.