My mind flits to Adrian when she says sunshine. We haven’t had another friendship lesson since last week, or really any extended time together at all. I’ve been worried if he's pulling away, which is another reason I agreed to this atrocious event. It’s not like he’s been rude to me though, just too busy to sit and chat in the mornings after his run. Either way, he’s not interested in me romantically, so an event like this is my next best route to ending my loneliness.

“Okay, I need to go to the market and hit up Poppy’s before it gets too late. I will call you tomorrow when I’m panicking over if my outfit is terrible.”

“Looking forward to it.” Caroline grins and comes closer to the camera. “Love you, J. You deserve an abundant life, this is just the first step to grabbing it.”

“Love you too, Care.” I hang up before I’m tempted to tell her that this first step feels far scarier than the potential reward is worth. She’d keep me on the phone for another hour while trying to build me up.

“Okay, Murph,” I sigh and ruffle his fur as I stand up from where I was sitting at my desk. “Let’s hope that Poppy can take care of you tomorrow night … or maybe not. We’ll let this determine our fate.”

Murphy can get a little anxious at night, so I prefer not to go too far for too long without him. Maybe Poppy will say no and then I'll have a valid excuse for Caroline. She'll probably come up with some way for me to still go. I grimace before leaving my home office and heading out the front door.

After a quick trip to the market, I march over to Poppy’s, dragging the wagon I use to bring my groceries home behind me. I leave my wagon outside–perks of small-town life–and rush through the door. The bell chime usually sounds like an old friend calling, but today it resembles a funeral toll. Poppy is going to question why I need her to take care of Murphy on Valentine’s Day. I’m not ready to admit that I’m heading to a lonely hearts convention.

“Juliette.” Adrian’s voice makes my head lift. I was so entangled in my own web of thoughts that I didn’t see him at the counter.

“Oh, hey,” I say, proving that my conversation skills are not ready for an event based on mingling. The sick feeling returns, twisting my stomach into tight knots.

“I was on my way to see you, actually.” My eyes widen in surprise when he gives me his signature half-smile. “I got you a croissant.”

My eyes search his expression for any clues as to why he would do this. There’s no regret in his eyes as if he’d done something wrong, no mischief as if he’s toying with me. All I find are soft blue eyes and a hint of affection. I’m probably imagining the affection, though.

“Aw, Sunshine, you shouldn’t have.” I take the paper bag from him with a smile.

He shrugs. “I thought it would make you smile.”

My heart stutters in my chest and I have to bite my lip to suppress a lovestruck grin.

“Thank you, I needed the smile today.” When he frowns I realize my mistake. Heat flares in my face, already embarrassed by what’s to come.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. My friend Caroline just convinced me to do something I don’t want to, but it’s not a big deal.”

His frown deepens. “Friends shouldn’t push you into something you don’t want to do. Even I know that. So?”

“So what?”

He raises a brow. “What’s she making you do?”

I let out a sigh. “You’re going to make me tell you, aren’t you?” He stays silent, waiting on me to continue. “I signed up for a singles’ mixer for tomorrow night.” I wince.

Something dark crosses over his expression, but it clears so fast I don’t know if it was truly there. He’s stoic once more.

“Caroline says it will help me build my confidence even if I don’t like it. So, I’m going to go. I just have to find someone to watch over Murphy tomorrow night. I’m hoping that Poppy can, but it’s Valentine’s Day so she could be busy.”

Poppy is currently making a latte behind the counter but judging by the tilt of her head and the smirk on her lips, she’s listening to our conversation.

“Do you really not want to go or are you just nervous?” he asks, his eyes not judging, but assessing.

“I’m nervous,” I admit, sinking in on myself. “Terrified, actually.”

His expression softens. My heart does too.

“Two white peach oolong lattes,” Poppy calls out before Adrian can reply. He turns and grabs both of the paper cups, handing me one. A hesitant smile stretches my lips.

“Come on, let me walk you home.”

Relief seeps into my bones. I always feel safe when Adrian is around, so I’ll get to walk home without paranoia chipping away at the edges of my mind.