Page 59 of The Contract

Kensley sat in heroffice at McLeod Towers, not quite herself. No matter how hard she tried to get some work done, her mind kept wandering.

Of course, she couldn’t be more ecstatic for Marcy. Her friend had entered a whirlwind romance in less than twenty-four hours, and she was floating on cloud nine. It helped that Kensley was good with their boss, that boss being Hunter, so she could instigate Marcy taking the whole week off from work.

Dash had whisked her away to London. He had a business meeting there that was going to last no more than an hour, and the rest of the time he was going to spend with Marcy.

Nothing made Kensley happier than knowing Marcy may have found true love. Well, she had crushed really hard on Dash before, but the strange thing was that she had never told Kensley about him or his name. She had once mentioned something about a crush on a guy in the entertainment industry, and she had read an article about him once. Kensley just had no idea that everything she ever listed about her man could be found in one Dashner Gabe.

For all her bravery about dating and guys, Marcy was probably as petrified as Kensley was.

She missed her friend. She didn’t know how she was going to get through the whole week without Marcy, but there was also something else troubling her.

She hadn’t seen him all that morning, not since he had carried her up to his bed the night before, bathed her, and put her to bed. He had already left for the office by the time she had woken up, and she had only managed to catch a glimpse of him between meetings.

She felt incredibly stupid because she had stood there with a smile on her face waiting for him to look at her, even if only for a second, but he never once dropped his gaze her way.

She hated this rattled feeling inside her. Had she done something wrong? She really just wanted to ask him, but what right did she have? They weren’t in a relationship. They were bound by a contract, and that was it.

Maybe after last night, he was getting bored with her? The heaviness that sank into her heart threatened to pool her eyes with tears.

Somehow she had managed to get through her day, and since she missed seeing her grandparents yesterday, she was up for her Tuesday night dinner with them again. She planned to bake a cake for her gramps as well.

She was being stupid by hanging around the office when everyone had already left, waiting for another glimpse of him, so Karl drove her back to his house, where she declined dinner in exchange for a pizza. She showered and changed into a summer dress, then picked up her book and started to read.

When her phone buzzed, she answered it immediately. It was her gramps and every time he called after she had already spoken to him twice that day, her heart started to beat faster. Also, it was quite late in the evening.

“Hey, Gramps?”


“Everything okay?”

Something was off. She could feel it in her bones.

“Kensley,” her grandfather said, with all the weight of the world seeming in his voice.

Her heart started to pound in her ears.

“Are you okay? Is Gran okay? Please tell me you’re both okay.”

“We’re... fine. But, Kensley, I don’t want you to do anything but—”

“But what? You’re scaring me.”

“We have to leave Everry Place. It’s something that can’t be undone now.”

First, a rush of blood rose up into her head and threatened to explode. Her tummy twisted in knots. Fear and, most of all, anger built inside her to the point of no return.

“No,” she said. “No.”

“Kensley, it’s not—”

“We had a deal.”

“Kensley, listen to me. Can you come to the apartment?”

“I’m going to fix this. Somehow. I’ll talk to you soon, Gramps. I’m going to fix it.”

Except there was nothing she could fix. Hunter McLeod had played her in the most horrible way possible.