Page 38 of The Contract


Chapter Fourteen


As soon as she exitedhis office, Kensley gave in and let herself tremble uncontrollably. Every time she was in Hunter’s company, the after-effects ran hard and deep.

What was it about the man that made her forget she had such a thing as ice in her blood? Where were all the thoughts of her parents and her fear of being cheated on, or worse, her fear of being a sex-crazed maniac once she started? Those two issues had kept her awake for many nights in a row.

She felt nothing like this for Hugh, and he was considered quite attractive himself. Hugh didn’t make her want to take off her clothes and be touched. He had been her safety net.

She covered her face with her hands and emitted a silent scream into her palms. She assured herself again that everything was on track. She just needed to get through the day. Maybe she needed to sit down and knit a little.

Marcy grabbed her into the office before Kensley completely opened the door.

“Tell me everything, from the time you disappeared from the club. Wait, first, ugh, where’s your phone?” Marcy demanded, picking up the handbag Kensley had left in her office before she embarked on her raid on Hunter. The thing had died completely, and Marcy quickly plugged it in to charge.

“Now tell me everything,” she bawled, shaking Kensley’s shoulders.

She brought Marcy up to date because her friend would not let her say anything else until she knew everything. She sped through the events until she came to the part in the study.

“And then he spanked me. He spanked me, Marcy,” she cried, reliving her outrage all over again.

Marcy’s hands flew to her face in shock, amazement, and something else in her gaze. “Show me,” she shrieked. “Oh, my god, you have to show me.”

“I have a picture.” Kensley dug into her handbag and extracted the Polaroid.

“What?” Marcy asked, her jaw dropping open.

“He made me take a picture of my butt. Do you want to know why? So I could scrapbook it, so I don’t forget my ‘transgression.’” She added air quotes around the last word. “Can you imagine his arrogance?”

“Holy fuck. He spanked you, Kens. I can make out his handprint on your ass. Oh my god, Kensley, I knew it. I knew it. I knew he would have some kink, like a dom or something,” Marcy squealed.

“Well, it hurt,” Kensley snapped. “And those things only exist in romance novels. And I’m not staying there with him another night.” Although she knew she had as little choice in that matter as she did in chocolate being calorie-free.

“Just hear me out. The man is obsessed with you, Kensley. I mean, he brought you here, so you were close to him, and he brought me too because I’m your best friend. I mean,what, right? This place is like a hotel. There’s a staff restaurant. Like a real one. With a menu. You have Chelsea, and I have Jasmin, and they’re here to bring us coffee and croissants. There’s a gym. A massive gym with everything, including individual shower cubicles in a whole bathroom. And a sauna and a swimming pool. But wait for it....” Marcy picked up both her hands.