Page 35 of The Contract

Chapter Thirteen


Kensley took a quickshower, then changed into a soft flare skirt that reached above her knees but was kinder to her sore bottom, a pink top, and black stilettos.

She managed to find the elevators and remembered she had left that stupid picture in his room, never mind that it was in her evening purse. She raced back to get it. No one should see that. Ever. While there, she also quickly made the bed. She was used to doing things herself.

She went down the elevator again and out of the entrance of his humongous home. And it was only then that she realized she had no idea how she was going to get to work. Her car was still at work since she had gone home with Marcy the night before.

“Ms. Reid?” A friendly face looked up at her and waved. She walked down the steps to the man dressed in a black suit.


“I am Karl. And I'll be driving you to work today.”

“Hmm... I do have my own car. It's just at work at the moment.”

“Your car is in the garage, Ms. Reid. Mr. McLeod had me pick it up last night.”

Okay, what?

She searched her work handbag for her keys and found nothing. Did he really...

“Your keys are with Mr. McLeod. I have strict instructions to drive you anywhere you'd like to go.”

She harrumphed. It was just like Hunter going around giving strict instructions and everyone around him was too scared to disobey. Fine. She would be obedient and went with the nice man until she tracked Hunter down and demanded her car keys. She was not one of his subjects.

“Thank you, Karl. And please, I'm just Kensley.”

“It's good to meet you, Kensley.” He opened the back door for her, and she supposed she should be lucky he wasn't chauffeuring her around in a car as big as a limousine, even if the sedan was a sedan-style Aston Martin.

Once she found a comfortable position for her ass, which was mostly tilted on her side, she drummed her fingers, agitated as the minutes went by and it was getting later and later in getting her to work. She bit her tongue to stop herself from telling him to drive faster. It was wrong to make her emergency his priority. Besides, she had already set the record for the latest person to arrive at work.

Karl kept her entertained with stories about his six children and eleven grandchildren. He was funny, such a proud dad and granddad, and just an overall nice man. So was Alice, which made Kensley wonder how such nice people could work for such a sadistic man. That thought bounced straight off a grimace she made when she had to shift sides to ease the hot throb on her butt.

In return, Kensley told him about her grandparents, her grandmother's illness, and how her grandfather did everything he could for her. She couldn't mess this up with Hunter. She couldn't live through the devastation if her grandparents had to move out of their beloved home at Everry Place and the whole building was reduced to dust. Hunter had complete power, but only if she failed. She had never failed at anything before. And she wasn't going to start now either.

Back from her internal pep talk, she glanced out the window.

“I’m sorry, Karl. But I don’t think this is the way to the office. I work at High Cloud. It’s on 7th. I’m so sorry, but please, can you drive me there?”

“Are you sure, Ms. Reid?”

“Yes, very much so. That’s where I want to go.” She frowned. What a strange thing to ask. Obviously, she knew where she worked. Why would he question that?

She hurriedly thanked him and tumbled out of the car, racing up the short flight of stairs that would take her to the revolving doors of High Cloud Advertising in her heels.

She rushed through her regular morning greetings with people she passed on her way and headed straight to her office.

Except her office was no longer there.

By that, she meant it was devoid of office furniture. It was just a square, empty room. What was happening?

Where were her things? Worse, no one she asked seemed to know. They arrived at work to find her office that way. She glanced at the watch on her wrist. Marcy was out this time of the morning, running errands and checking out venues, and they usually met up at around 10 a.m.

She really had to charge her phone, but that would have to wait until she figured things out.

Determined to find out what was happening, she marched to Sandra Hitchcock’s office.