Page 63 of The Contract

Chapter Twenty-Three


Taking a deep breath, Kensley pulled herself together before she stepped into her grandparents' home. How many more times was she going to drop by here at Everry Place?

He hadn’t even tried to come up with an excuse for reneging on their contract. At the end of the day, he wanted to demolish Everry Place more than he’d wanted her.

Fuck! The truth hurt.

She shook her head and knocked on the door before she started to fall apart again.

“Gramps,” she said, choking on her tears as she stepped into her grandfather’s arms.

“Hey, Pumpkin. Everything is going to be all right. I promise.”

“No, it’s not,” she said, sniffing up her tears. “I tried so hard, and maybe I went around it the wrong way, but I would have done anything to save Everry Place. And Hunter McLeod is just the worst human being on the planet,” she sobbed.

“Pumpkin, we need to talk. Go and say hello to your grandmother first, then come to the kitchen for some tea. She’s asleep, but I know she'd appreciate a kiss from you.” He smiled broadly at her. How could she have failed a man as great as her grandfather?

She tiptoed her way into their bedroom, leaned down over the frail elderly woman, and kissed her soft silvery hair.

“Sweet dreams, Gran,” she whispered, thinking of what was going to happen to her when she had to leave Everry Place and her little garden.

Her gran stirred and smiled in her sleep.

“My little Kensie,” she murmured before she lapsed back into sleep. Kensley’s heart broke into a million pieces. But at that very moment, she became utterly determined to find another way. She wasn’t going to let Hunter win.

She gave her gran another kiss and silently left the room to meet her grandfather in the kitchen.

He placed a cup of tea in front of her.

“I think it’s time I cleared some stuff up.”

She didn’t know what to make of her grandfather’s tone, but she sat down and listened.

“Firstly, Hunter McLeod is not the worst human being on the planet. He might be the best.”

“Wait, you know Hunter?”

“I’d been in the army for a while, Pumpkin, and you get to judge people who you want on your side and who you don’t. I’ll take Hunter McLeod over anyone I know.”