He finishes washing me and covering my skin in soft kisses when we hear another knock at the bedroom door, demanding our presence at whatever this meeting is.
I ignore it.
Reaching for the soaps, I find his special scent mixture that drives me absolutely wild. He watches me intensely as I lather his back first with cedar and salt bubbles. I make my way around his shoulders, arm muscles, and abs. I slowly push him back towards the edge of the pool. “Stand on the steps.” I demand and point towards the entrance of the bath.
He does as I say without a word, taking his stance on the steps and exposing his hardened cock to the air. I stand in front of him and my face is at the perfect height to take him in my mouth.
And that’s exactly what I do.
Taking his cock in my mouth, I hear another knock at the door and Willow lets out a frustrating growl. I use my hands to stroke him while I suck and lick him until I feel him filling my mouth with his cum.
Willow stands before me, completely transfixed on me and utterly lost in the ecstasy that we barely hear someone bursting through the main door.
“Prince and Princess!” someone shouts on the other side of the door.
“What the fuck?” Willow shouts back at them.
We quickly climb out of the bathtub and wrap ourselves in towels. Willow flings the bathroom door open, slamming it against the wall and shaking its hinges.
“Who the fuck–” Willow stops dead in his tracks and I bump into his brute form. I follow his gaze to where a young woman stands before us, with short red hair and blacker than night eyes.
“Good afternoon, Prince Bryton and his princess. You were requested in the dining. Come, you’re very late and father isn’t very happy about it.”
“Father?” I shake my head in confusion and stare at the strange girl in front of us. “Who are you?” She looks no older than us, maybe even a little younger. Her skin is pale and glistens with a silver sheen. Her red hair is just above her shoulders and cut blunt. She is adorned in a black and red dress which brings out the darkness in her eyes.
“Oh! Right! Father told me you may be a bit confused at first. I am Ronyx. Your sister. But you can call me Nyx.”
“I only have one sister, who the fuck do you think you are?” Willow accuses her while shielding me with his body. We’re still in our towels at this point and I’m growing increasingly uncomfortable.
Relax and remember I will always protect you.
“Well, we’ve already wasted enough time with this pleasant conversation. We must return immediately to the king before his temper loosens anymore. I wouldn’t want to have to punish one of you now, would I?” She tilts her head in the most shaky, rough way.
This small girl thinks she can take one of us, let alone the both of us? You can’t do anything to my mate without wishing my wrath upon yourself.
“Come on, let’s go!” she whines and throws her head back like a toddler.
Who is this bitch?
“We need to get dressed and then we’ll meet you there.” Willow states with no emotion in his voice. He’s hiding his feelings from this crazy girl and I don’t blame him. We know nothing about who or what she is.
“There’s not enough time for that! You can change before you leave–” she gasps and raises her hand to her mouth like she just gave up someone's biggest secret. “Oh, don’t tell father I told you that. He wanted it to be a surprise. Come now.”
I glance at Willow and stare down at myself. I’m literally in a fucking bath towel and she wants us to join his family for a meal looking like this after completing our mating bond? My hair is sopping wet for fucks sake. I run into the bathroom and grab our robes, quickly wrapping ourselves and following the strange girl that calls the king father.
Ronyx dances and skips as we follow her to the family dinning hall. I’m at a loss for words in regards to this psychopath storming into my room earlier and going unpunished for the intrusion. I have to remain calm in order to keep Ronyx from acting rash. She seems like the kind to lose her composure on the flip of a coin.
As we finally enter the dining hall, I’m confused to see Amara seated with my sister Roserra. I didn’t think she would be invited to this, let alone my father made aware of her presence here at the Lunar Palace. We had a strict goal of keeping her far away from this tyrant.
Everyone is silent as we stand in the doorway. I take in the personal guards of every family member lined up against the far right wall, including Artie. He gives me a nervous nod.
“Welcome,” My father greets us with unusual cheer. My brothers make quick eye contact with me which tells me something is off. My mother is back to her lifeless self, barely expressing the faintest of emotions around my father.
The king stands and claps his hands together. “Ah, now that everyone is finally here we can enjoy our meal in peace. Please, come, have a seat.” He raises his glass towards us which is full of red wine. “Let us cheer for the newly mated couple.”