Page 65 of Bonded By Moons

I reach my hand to slowly rub a comforting circle onto her back, running my fingers through her hair and kissing a trail down her neck. “What’s that, my flame?”

She let out a soft breath. “She said that I am one of the last primals, and my soul has been imprinted with an Anciets. That I will have access to all four elements.”

My hands freeze and my mouth hovers above her skin. I lean back and she peers over her shoulder to face me. “She said you’re a Primal and an Ancient? With all four elements?”

She nods.

“Yes, that’s what she said. Although, I can only feel the essence of Earth and Water magic flowing through my veins currently. I don’t know how I’m supposed to access this well of power.”

“Maybe we can find the answers to your Ancient and Primal abilities in this library.”

She looks out among the books and says, “I hope so.”

Artie and Amara step through the doors next.

“Ember!” Amara shouts and rushes towards our tucked away alcove. “Ember, what happened!?”

Amara crashes into Ember, nearly toppling over onto me as they collide in a crazed hug of limbs. Amara has tears rushing down her face and Artie just stands outside the Alcove, arms crossed and softly laughing to himself. “Thank you.” I said to him.

“Anytime, except this one drives me madder than a shadow beast.” he points towards Amara.

“You’re the one that wouldn’t explain where Ember was! Why did we have to walk in silence?!” She shouts at Artie.

“Because it's far less annoying.” He stares at her with boredom. Directing his attention to the room around us, he asks no one in particular. “What is this place?”

Ember fills them both in on what she just told me. We watch as they feel surprise, amazement, and confusion as she breaks the news about her having access to primal powers. And then we gather ourselves and Ember assigns us each a section of the library to search.

“We’re looking for anything related to primal and ancient powers, and information regarding my parent’s deaths and what really happened that night.”

I love when she takes charge like this. Fuck, she’s so hot.

Over the next several hours, we all have our own tables full of books and ancient scrolls. We haven’t found anything of much substance, but Ember is spending most of her time absorbing the information from her fathers journal. Before I can ask her abo ut it, my thoughts are interrupted by Amara shouting. “Aha! I found something!”

We all rush over to her table and gather around her books. She’s searching for information on primal powers. “It says here,” she points to the center of a large, torn scroll. “That primals have access to all four elements. Where as Ancients have access to six elements, including the original four as well as shadow and light powers.”

“Okay, but how do I access those powers? I’ve never felt them in my well of power. I didn’t even know they were there.” Ember asks.

“I’m not sure. I think that’s what we need to continue searching for answers for.” I state while running a hand up and down her back in comforting waves.

Artie lets out a loud yawn. “I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but we’ve been here all day.” We all turn to peer at the windows and that’s when I finally notice its night outside. “Can we have these texts moved to Willow’s library? I don’t know when the king will be returning and the guards will be finishing their training session shortly and back to their posts.”

Ember shakes her head. “We can’t move them. These texts are bound by my parents’ primal magic and have to remain protected within these wells. I am the only one that can take them, but because I don’t have full access to my primal magic yet, I’m limited to what I can physically carry.”

“Okay, so let’s select the most promising texts and have you carry them back to the library. We can continue our search in the morning and try to return here if we need to.” Amara recommends and begins skimming through the pages to determine what's most valuable.

We quickly select some books and scrolls. Together, we departed the library. Once we make it back to my wing of the castle, I kiss Ember goodbye and grab a handful of her ass before Artie escorts Amara and Ember back to their room.

The second she leaves, I feel a huge wave of need in her wake.

Little dragon, I can’t stay away for much longer.I whisper through our bond as my lust and cravings for her grow rapidly in her absence.

I know, I feel it too. I just can’t leave Amara alone right now. We’re both hanging on by a thread with everything that's happened these past few days.

My lust softens as I realize my mate is right. I can completely understand why they would be so overwhelmed and drained. My mind is a mess with the pull of our bond and the events of late. I didn’t stop to think about how they’re handling the loss of Brooks.

I decided to have food delivered to her room and send an extra set of towels for them to take relaxing baths tonight.

As I enter my quarters, I look at the empty space of my room. Walking over to the large windows on the opposite side of my room, I peer out over the capital city. The night markets are pulsating with life, chaos, and magic. Looking over the night sky, I wonder what the next few weeks will look like for us.