Page 62 of Bonded By Moons

He laughs.Maybe that’s the fun part.

I smile to myself. Yeah, I think I love this fae.

I leave the bathroom and join Amara in the closet. Which literally is its own room in itself. Oh my stars, this is every fae’s dream. A closet full of luxuries.

We take our time exploring all of the custom made outfits the prince had tailored for me. Luckily, Amara is the same size so she fits into everything I own and vice versa. We picked out our outfits finally and she went for a sleek and silk lilac sundress. While I went for the pink fighting leathers. It’s surprisingly thin and flexible, making it easy to fight or sit in for hours. I think this might be my new favorite item I have in my wardrobe. I paired it with black combat books and braided my hair straight down my back.

Amara looks absolutely ethereal, whereas I look ready to fight anyone coming around the corner. Together,we head to meet Artie and Willow in the library where they’re posted up.



“Wow, this place is incredible.” Amara says while we walk through the silver and gold hallways. Surrounded by marble walls and floors, the ceilings are adorned in stars and moons. It truly is a work of art. I wonder if it looked this way when king Morak and Queen Meelis were the ruling powers of Estrallume. We pass Willow’s quarters and begin to finally near the library. There are 2 guards escorting us at all times since we’ve arrived.

I try to recall their names, since I never seem to be able to remember them. But before I can, I hear those familiar voices once again.

“Daughter of The Moons. You’ve returned to us once again.”

I stop dead in my tracks and look at Amara, trying to give her warning before the goddesses pull me away into some secret void again. “Amara get Wil–”

Before I can finish telling her not to worry, my vision goes bright white and it feels like I'm tumbling through the sky, plummeting to the face of Faerelle. I slam into the cold stone ground of some dark room, yet again.

“Ughh, can’t you guys at least give me a warning!” I scream into the darkness that surrounds me.

Candles around the room light up in bright red and blue flames. “Daughter of The Moons, We’ve been waiting for your return.” That familiar voice sings to me.

A bright, white tear in the center of the room gives way to the floating orb that embodies our goddess Naistrelle.

“I need answers from you this time. Please don’t waste my time.” I struggle to stand as my body aches from slamming into the ground. “I deserve to know what's going on.”

The white light pulses as if the goddess is contemplating squashing me with her finger for raising my voice at her.

“Ember Moonlace, the stars have written that you are destined to be the salvation of the remaining fae race. King Bryton is a leech on our sacred lunar throne. He is sucking the physical life out of Faerelle to enhance his powers. We know he’s working with king Kalderr, ruler of the shadow realm. The king is planning something huge but we don’t know what. We need you to find out and stop his efforts before our world is faded into the shadow realm.”

“Wait, you’re telling me the king is literally draining our lands of its magic and life to strengthen himself?”

“Yes.” The goddess simply states.

“How is he doing that? Is that the cause of the Decay all these years?” I plead for the goddess to answer my questions.

“We aren’t sure what the cause of the Decay is, Princess. The king didn’t start tapping into the land's magic until the past few weeks. We do not know the source of the Decay at this time.”

I can’t stop myself from getting irritated with this floating ball of light. “You’re kidding, right? You sit among the stars all day long and you can’t tell me the answers to these questions? Don’t you see everything that happens?”

“Well, yes. Yes we do. But I cannot interfere with the course of history anymore than I already have. Coming here, sharing the information with you, is already a large enough risk. I can’t tamper with the stream of time.”

“Okay. Fine. I can figure this out. Let me out of here and we will get to work.” I’m growing impatient with this goddess. I don’t need to waste time listening to half truths and mysterious missions.

The orb pulses for a few seconds while I place my hands on my hips. I’m over this shit. “Where am I?” I ask finally.

“We’ve taken you to another glimmered room within the Lunar Palace. These rooms were protected from the Bryton bloodline by your father before he passed. They can only be opened by you.”

I’m now so confused. If I’ve learned anything from this lady, it’s that our history is so wrong. “I thought the palace was destroyed in the incident that night?”

“ Everything your parents did was to protect you, Ember Moonlace.”

That does something to my chest. I can’t process the emotions I’m feeling right now. I reach deep into my powers and find the corner that holds my empathy talent. I quickly build a wall around that power and tuck it away to deal with later. I’ve been numbing a lot of emotions lately and I’m truly getting scared of the aftermath that awaits me. So, I just continue on with curiosity instead.