Page 31 of Bonded By Moons

“I’m here now. What’s wrong?”

I don’t even know what’s going on when Amara breaks out in a rage of tears, hysterically crying and shaking as she latches onto me.

“Amara! Honey! What is wrong? What’s going on?” I continue to soothe her and run my hand through her hair. “Please, I need you to talk to me, Amara. Use your words.”

I can barely understand her through wails, snot, and choking on her own tears. Never in my life have I seen Amara this upset.

“Amara, where is Brooks?” She doesn’t answer me.

“Where is Brooks, Amara. Why is he not with you?”

She can’t talk. She can’t get words out. I don’t understand.

Finally, she cries herself into a tired ball of snot and sweat. She slowly whispers in a weak voice, “Brooks… Brooks went missing 2 days ago and–gurgle–I couldn’t reach you-gasp for air-”

Guilt floods me instantly and I almost choke on the pain in my chest. “What do you mean Brooks went missing?”

I can’t process what I’m hearing. No one has gone missing in the outer villages. The crimes have been focused on the Celestial Quarters of Estrallume. This changes everything. Brooks must be at The Ascension Guild or staying with his parents. Right?

“What has been done to help locate him? Was he acting strange before he went missing? Where was he last seen?” I begin to focus on the solution immediately, incapable of feeling sad when Brooks has to be found.

He has to be found.

I can’t lose him. He’s a brother to me.

Amara lets go of me, sits up a bit straighter and wipes her eyes with the back of her hands. “We initiated a guild-wide search party for him. It’s been the same response from the Royal guild when we ask for backup. Nothing.” She’s sniffling now but collecting herself. We both look like hot ass messes at this point.

“I’m so sorry you were alone for this, I can’t believe I was with the fucking prince and not here with you. This wouldn’t have happened if I never got captured in the first place. I’m such a fucking dumbass.” Feeling a heavy weight settle on my chest, I get up and start to pace around my bedroom. There’s pink clothes strewn everywhere, dirty dishes, and trash. I’m feeling so useless and yet so frantic in this environment. I have to do something. “We need to shower, we both look horrific and then we will find Brooks.”

She sniffles and adds, “There’s more Em… His family was murdered. My parents were going over for dinner the other night and found the entire family bleeding out in the kitchen. It was horrific. My mother is traumatized to have lost her bestfriends. I grew up with them, Em. And now they’re just gone.” She lets out a pained wail. “No one has seen Brooks since before the incident, and there were no sightings of shadows or strangers near their family home.” She begins crying again and I gather some tissues to pass to her. She greatly accepts them.

“It just doesn’t make sense, why would they be taking older people, if that’s what's even going on here. Are we sure this was the same assailant? Are these events even connected to the murders in the quarters? I thought they were only interested in young faeries this whole time based on the missing children in the capital city.”

“This needs to be addressed by the king before it’s too late.”

“I completely agree.” I wince and finally stop pacing to face Amara curled up in my bed sheets. “Speaking of the king… I have to meet him tomorrow at the Winter Solstice Ball being held at The Lunar Palace.”

“WHAT?!” she chokes out and tosses the covers off the bed. “That’s... What?! Okay we need to get you an outfit right away and–”

I laugh. “Whoa whoa whoa, calm down. I was trying to tell you that I will gather as much information about the missing children and Brooks when I’m there.”

“Oh.” She deflates a bit as she realizes I’m not excited like her.

“Yeah. But I do still need a dress and we need a distraction or else neither of us will be able to function with the weight of this situation. It’s probably not the healthiest way to cope with the loss of his family, but I can’t fall apart right now and neither can you. I think it’s the highest priority that we utilize my connection to the royal family and find out where Brooks was taken.”

“Agreed.” She sniffles and wipes the last of her tears away. Softly smiling, we quickly shower and get ready to spend hours creating my gown for the ball. Amara is an incredible seamstress and makes most of our clothes. After little debate, we decided I’d be adorned in a subtle blush gown. It’s a traditional, large tulle gown that is layered with golden flames that daintily line the edges of each tier on the dress.

For accessories, I’m wearing a dagger directly down the center back of the dress, just in case it gets crazy tonight. I never would have imagined this would happen to Brooks and his family. I’m grateful I’ve blocked out my empathy because I couldn’t handle it right now if I sat and thought about him for too long.

We will be getting answers tomorrow. Even if I have to force them out of the king. I’m only worried about what Will might think of me as I use him to get access to his father.

Do I reach through the bond and tell him what’s going on? Or do I keep him out of this mess because of his involvement with the crown? I want to trust him and every bone in my body tells me he’s safe, even if my mind is arguing otherwise.

Fuck it.

I reach through my chest and find the glowing strings of my bond, submerging myself in its warm mist. Aromas of cedar and fresh salt trickle down the bond as the mist of our bond kisses my skin and that’s when I know I’ve connected to Will through our pairing.

I have some news.