I heard him laugh and it made my tummy do flips that brought dizziness to my head.
I quickly slipped on the rose colored dress he brought me, wrapping the ties around my waist, securing and cinching my figure. I looked like a sheep in a lion's den. A dark, candle lit room with black and blue interiors has made me look like an offering to the ancients. Except, the only lion here is Willow and he might devour me whole.
Erasing the nervous thinking from my brain, I turned to face the cushions he laid out for us and sat down, pulling a blanket into my lap. I reached my hands up to brush my hair back, and saw them trembling in the candle light. My whole life, I swore I would never be in this position. But here I am, doing everything I promised myself I wouldn’t and with the prince of Estrallume of all people.
Moments later, the bathing chambers opened and Willow stalked out drying his hair messily with one of his luxurious towels. He wore baggy black pants but no shirt. Drops of water cascade down his sculpted abs, following the delicious V of his muscular body. I think I drooled just imagining licking those off of him.
“Shit. Nope. This isn’t going to work. You have to put on a shirt.” I shake my head and avert my eyes from him.
“What, little dragon? It’s not like all of this doesn’t belong to you now. Also, these are my chambers and I will walk around however I please.” His annoying smirk grew across his face. It took everything in me to not throw a pillow at his face.
I sighed. “Fine. Where’s the food you promised, Prince?” Smiling with venom, I held his eye contact like it was a battle of wills.
Without responding, he kept eyes on me and knelt down to join in his pillow fortress. Crossing his legs in front of him, and resting back on his hands, he whispered a single word.
I gasped as a platter of pastries, berries, and bacon fell from several feet above. He glimmered the food. Why?
“You scared the shit out of me! Why do that? Just to show off?”
“No. Last time I delivered you food, you devoured enough for three people. This time, I know better than to leave you withourmeal alone.”
Scowling, I snatched a pastry covered in apples and sweet sauces. These are my favorite. I know I could eat three of these if given the opportunity. He also indulged in some of the food, enjoying eachothers company in silence while we shared a meal.
This is the first step of the ritual. We begin acquainting ourselves by sharing a meal.
Then, depending on how things go, we will spend the next several hours, possibly days, staying in this room and getting to know each other. The purpose of this stage is to share our truths, explain our past, expose the dreams of our futures. We begin this stage by drinking truth serums and then basically play 20 questions.
The final stage is where the decision has to be made. The moons will summon you on the night of the eclipse, and you’ll be asked whether or not you accept your bond. That’s where my opportunity is to get out of this fucking mess.
I still have time to gather as much information on his family, deny the bond, and escape before it's too late.
We finished our meal in silence, stealing glances at each other. She truly is the most perfect faerie in all of creation, and I know I'm biased.
Her soft pink waves are messily wrapped into a bun on the top of her head, with loose strands framing her face. She has the most precious mauve freckles lining her cheeks just underneath her blazing eyes. I wish I could count every one of them, and in truth I almost did when she was sleeping.
I’ve been burning to know everything about my mate. To understand why we were destined for eachother, why our bond rings glow so much brighter than the average. I’m also curious if she truly hates love, or if she’s just not sure how to allow herself to be loved.
“Well, little dragon, why don’t we get started then. Do you need any more snacks, or wine?” I watched her as she struggled to meet my eyes. Do I make her nervous?
She pulled the blankets tighter around herself. “Let’s get it over with, shall we?”
I smirked at her. “There’s that fiery attitude I adore so much.” She scoffed at me.
I produced 2 vials ofLanellaserum from my jacket, which I may have stolen from the royal potions maker while grabbing breakfast for our first meal together. Handing her the blue liquid, Ember’s lips parted as our fingers grazed each other, causing vibrations to pulse through my body. By the moons, she affects me more than anything I've ever experienced before.
Earlier, when she showed me her ass in the morning sun, seducing me as she strutted her way to the bathroom, I nearly lost control.
The need to claim her in both body and heart overpowers me constantly.
“Cheers.” She said sarcastically, and I loved it. I’m not afraid to fight for her, even if that means she's my opponent. The moons have chosen us for each other and I trust in their decisions.
Pulling the topper off our vials, we clanked them against each other's glasses and threw them back. The slimy blue serum fizzled and sparkled along my tongue as I drank it down. Almost instantly, my body felt more relaxed, more safe. My guard came down and my tongue felt ready to spill all of my truths to my mate.