“Hello? It’s Em. I’m okay. I repeat, I am safe and okay. Do you copy?”
“Oh my stars! Ember Amethyst don’t you ever do this to me again. My heart can’t handle this kind of stre-”
“Amara, slow down. Ember, we need to know where you are and do you require backup?” Brucie called over the comms orb.
“I’m in the palace. I got found out by guild members last night and was knocked out. I was following activity in the Virgo District. I don’t know how Prince Willow found me, but I'm currently in his care. I think I have some sort of concussion but I can’t really move too well. He healed me the best he could.”
“Are you in his bed, Em?” Paisley whispered through the orb. Of course that’s all these drama obsessed fae care about.
“I’m not answering that Paisley,” I chuckled. “I will be getting out of here as soon as I can, but he’s going to come back soon and I’d like to do some snooping while I can. What if I can find some dirt on the prince or the king and their involvements in the crimes of Faerelle? This castle is so private. This could be our golden ticket.”
“Alright Em, just be safe and remember to check in with us,” Amara said with too much worry in her voice. “Discovering secrets is a risk.”
“Of course, let me know if you guys need anything.” Was the last thing I said before closing my comm orb, pulling back the covers and tip toeing to the bathroom. I’m disgusting and still in my bodysuit from last night’s mission. I certainly fit in with all the black and deep blue colors of Prince Willow’s private chambers.
I can’t believe I'm in his bedroom, for fucks sake.
Entering the bathroom, I find a soft pink robe and towel already set out for me along the edge of the tub. There’s a soft, rotating ball of neon blue fire inside the tub, waiting to be filled with my water and warmed by his blue flames.
Something fuzzy fills my tummy when I think of his magic caressing my water like his fingers touched my skin earlier.
Ugh. Em, knock it off. Just take the damn bath and do some snooping.
I filled the giant tub, honestly more of a pool, with my water magic. Amazed, I watched as my magic intertwined with his neon blue flames. They danced together, combining and glowing gorgeous shades of light blue as the fire and water merged. A soft steam began to rise and the tub reached its fulfillment. My lips parted and I left out a soft squeal.
One, that was the most beautiful display of magic combining I’ve ever seen. Two, this is the most beautiful bathing chamber I've been in. The dark stone floors lead into this large stone bathing pool. The walls are completely covered in windows, giving a stunning view of the city below. It’s exposed, yet somehow extremely private. The prince has plants everywhere, creating a very dark and sexy experience. More neon blue flames light candles that line the entire room.
I slowly enter the pool and begin ravaging through his elixirs and soaps on the edge. Everything smells like him. I found some small selections of my favorite scents, rose and honey. How did he know? Creating a current within the tub, I add rose and honey soaps to the water. Stepping down the stone, I nestled against the natural bench. Letting my curls sink into the water, I watched the city below begin to wake and rise with the sun.
“Wow,” I said in awe of the large windows that let in so much natural light.
After a few minutes, I realized I didn’t really have the time to sit in luxury. I needed to take advantage of being in his room, being in the palace more than anything. I quickly washed myself off and drained the tub. There was no new fire ball to appear, which means his magic really was there just for me.
I hate that I felt more warmth sparkle through my body at that thought.
Wrapping myself in the robe he left me, I quickly unmatted my pink waves with a brush he set aside for me and dried my hair with a towel. Honestly, he probably had servants do all this for him. Crossing the space, I stared at my mate rings in the mirror, wondering what I’m going to do if I’m stuck here for another few days.
I rushed into the bedroom to begin searching for any evidence. I need to discover if this family has any involvement with the murders or the DDecay. I checked under the mattress, in every drawer, along the fireplace, within the book shelves, literally everywhere. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Something I did find amusing is how many books he has. I suppose when you’re locked in the castle by your big bad daddy, you tend to need ways to escape. His library is truly beautiful. I’ve always loved reading, finding ways to pull knowledge from past adventures and wars. There’s so much to learn from the past, and far greater to accomplish with the future.
Other than that, there really wasn’t much in this room. He didn’t have any photos, no keepsakes or cute childhood toys, no weapons besides a drawer filled with daggers in his beside table. His chambers are kind of boring honestly, but also cozy and sensual.
I decided to settle down with a book on the rug by the fire and wait for his return. I’m still in my robe, so hopefully he won't be much longer. After a while, I curl up on the sofa closest to the sparkling blue fire. My head starts to throb again, and my eyes drift closed into a deep sleep.
After what felt like hours of blissful sleep, I wake to still being in my robe but no longer on the sofa. He moved me back into his bed. Although, he’s nowhere to be seen. I hate that I’m such a deep sleeper.
A delicate and dainty pink gown is draped on the edge of the bed and I climb over the covers with excitement to try it on. Gosh, I love clothes so much. Especially the chance to wear a gown of this quality.
I quickly change into my new gown and decide to do more investigating. The silky fabric shines in the sunlight and hugs my figure softly, draping down my hips like water. It's at this moment that I realize there’s faint flames sparkling from the fabric, like layers of fire have been pressed into the silk.
He’s really trying to take this whole ‘my flame’ thing to the next level. He can’t expect me to stay cooped up in his room the whole time, can he? That really is imprisonment, if so. What a giant fucking red flag.
I catch my reflection as I cross the room to leave, and stare in awe at the way this dress fits. It looks like it was crafted for me, perfectly fitting each curve of my body. Shining with golden flakes of starlight, and small flames cascading down the skirts.
Letting out a short breath, I turn towards the door and swing it wide.