He stalks towards me with a smirk on his face. “I know you favor your pretty little flames, but give me something more interesting than that.”
Using our air magic, together we lift swords off the nearby rack and glide them over for our hands to grip. The clanking of iron against iron rings out among the gardens. Several slashes, dodges, and strikes later I’ve managed to shove Artie through the air, landing onto his back in the grass.
“Kiss my ass, Artie. I know you want to and I certainly earned a reward after that performance.” I said with all the cocksure confidence I could muster.
“Why don’t you ask your mate to?” He jabbed at me with that stupid smirk on his face. He knew he hit a nerve.
With the flick of my wrist he became enclosed in a circle of neon blue flames. I walked away, leaving my personal guard and best friend to deal with the aftermath of my burns. He’ll be fine. I cross into the west corridors of the palace and head to my bed chambers.
Wondering to myself when I’ll have my mate here to brighten these vapid hallways.
After several miles of hiking through the mist, we arrive at the moss covered rock formation that hides the cave entrance.
“That trek never gets easier.” Amara bends over, bracing her hands on her knees to catch her breath.
I grunt in agreement, still not ready to form words of my own yet.
I plant my ass on the ground in front of the towering boulders and rest my head against the moss covered surface, breathing in and out in a slow pattern. Lazily, I rip my dagger from my belt. I steady it above my hand and slice a line across my palm. Watching as the blood begins to pool, I let it drip onto the grass by my hip before pushing to my feet.
With tired limbs, I turned to face the boulders and placed my bloodied hand against the boulder to open our protective spells that prevent travel into the caves. A few moments later, the boulders begin shifting to the sides to reveal a hole that drops into a cave system within the towering peaks looming above.
Amara stands up straight and we approach the edge of the hole. She reaches for my hand. I feel a warmth spread up my forearm as her healing magic works to take away the pain of my sliced palm.
“Together?” I say to Amara.
“Until the end.” She nods.
She uses her air magic to lift us slowly above the opening, then lowers us gently within the dark tunnels. We plant our feet securely on the ground. We scurry ahead while the boulders begin to move back into formation, showering the tunnel with dirt and stones from above.
We snap our fae orbs back to life and allow them to dance around us, providing pink and purple light to shower the dark slate walls of the cave system. The floor of the tunnel is lined with soft glowing gems, similar to the night sky. Offering small, pulsating light that shines every color of the rainbow.
We begin heading to the main hall of the Ascension Caves to greet the guild members and direct preparations for tonight's mission. Walking alongside Amara, my worries come circling back. “What do you think everyone will say about my mate bond? Are they going to release me? Will they think I've become a spy?”
Amara hissed. “Cut the crap, Em. You built this guild from the ground up with one accomplishment in mind, to reinstate the peace that is owed to Faerelle, the lands of the fae. You’ve already made so many advancements with the attacks happening that now we know they’re only happening in the capital city. You’re working in foster homes regularly to give back to our communities. You’re planting new trees like it’s a religion, trying to restore our forests to their beautiful flourishment. No one for a second will believe you have malicious intent because you’re mated to that bastard's son.”
Well that shut me up faster than I was expecting.
“Ember Amethyst, no one will judge you for being mated to that hot ass pile of faerie dust. We still know nothing about him, maybe he’s nothing like his father?”
I rolled my eyes at her and still don’t dain to comment on her calling me out on my bullshit. She’s right, and we both know it. That doesn’t mean I have to tell her I agree with her.
I’m a stubborn bitch.
A warm light begins to glow ahead as we near the opening into the Ascension Main Hall. This tunnel is where most major announcements, dining, and socialization take place. I think it’s because the ceilings are the highest here and it's blissfully less claustrophobic. Thankfully, the builder faeries in our guild will begin renovations of the base this week.
Brucie waves us down from the dining table where he and a few others are drinking coffee.
Yes, faeries drink coffee since we enjoy everything the Earth has to offer.
We started heading towards the left side of the main hall where all the stone dining tables were adorned with fresh moss, and crawling with little flowers that bloomed in every shade. The stools were also stone and covered by the same soft moss. A single fae orb dances above each table, casting shadows on the slate walls around us.
We approached the group and Brucie handed us each a warm, delicious cup of rose tea. I don’t do the whole caffeine addiction thing. I struggle sleeping as it is.
“How’s it going boss? Mind explaining those bright ass fucking rings around your eyes?”