The peaks are home to many mythical creatures such as unicorns, trolls, sprites, sirens, shades, and more. Thank the stars, I’ve never encountered anything hostile since following the glimmer’s paths set for our guild. Although, we have had members accompanied by unicorns and sprites along their trek – making for far less boring travel.
In addition to creatures of all sizes, the mountains are sprinkled with multiple landscapes that blossom and thrive with magical life. The Decay thankfully is nowhere near this area yet. One of the more famous landscapes are the rare moon milk pools.
The moon milk pools are one of the most famous celestial centers for connection to the cosmic realm. It is said that if the Mystic Mountains guide you to a moon bathing chamber, then you are to experience a life altering event. Many faeries leave the caves becoming beings of legends. There are myths that faeries have departed the milk baths with restored health and fertility, brute strength, additional talents, riches and wealth, along with more outlandish rumors. Maybe I’ll find a moon milk cave this trip and wish for my mating bond to never exist.
One can only hope, right?
We arrive at the base of the mountains, where we flash into our human forms to preserve our magic for the night.
As I pass a bunching of blueberry bushes along a parted pathway within the clouded peaks, I find myself thinking of my dilemma. I’m reminded of his dark blue hair, the way it shined under the moonlight the night he tackled me to the ground. The way it felt to have his muscular body pressed on top of me. His legs were strong and toned, pinning me down, all I wish is to stay trapped underneath him forev–
What the stars?
I groan with frustration and throw my head back, running my hands down my face,
“The moons are driving me insane with this mating pull. I just thought about his thighs, for fucks sake.” I glance over at Amara walking beside me as we pass through a forest of blueberry bushes. She’s looking away from me, hiding an obvious smirk.
“We don't know much about the prince. He could be charming, gorgeous, kind, and not to mention gorgeous…” she pauses like she’s considering if her next words are worth my annoyance. “You really ought to give it a shot, Em. He was drool worthy. There’s a possibility he’s nothing like his father?” Amara beams at me with hope in her eyes. I roll my eyes at her and continue trying and failing to not think about the crown prince.
In truth, hearing her admit she noticed him being stunning, gorgeous, and outright delicious makes me want to rip her head off. I’m not the jealous type, but the moons are driving me to be territorial over someone I’ve barely even met. How is that possible? How do the moons know he’s right for me?
We don’t know each other and I refuse to do the proper acquancy rituals to help with that. The next time I see him I’m going to make it abundantly clear I’ll be rejecting this bond. Since, I know I’ll be seeing him again soon, regardless of whether I like it or not. The moons find a way of forcing us into close proximity, that much I know from what I was taught at the Cosmic Chapel growing up.
I remind myself I owe him nothing.
His family is enough of a giant red flag as it is.
Not to mention, Prince Willow is such a mystery to the lands of Estrallume. The king has kept all his children out of the spotlight. We aren’t even sure how many children he truly has. He rarely lets them leave the palace grounds. There’s been rumors about appearances, magical elements and talents, but nothing of substance that would have aided in recognizing him at the Twinkle Tap last night.
Some reports say that the prince is following in his father’s footsteps. Preventing trade outside of the markets of Estrallume, implementing magical restrictions, allowing crime and murders to go unpunished. Not doing anything to help combat the Decay and starvation it's causing among our villages. I think the Bryton’s are lazy, selfish rulers who care only for the coins they sleep on.
As we continue to follow the glimmer’s pathway to the caves, I start to wonder what I need to do to break this mating bond. All faeries have the power to reject mate bonds, but the issue is that you will never be mated again. The cosmic chapel believes in true mates.
One mate for every fae. And only one shot to complete it.
A bond that is blessed by the cosmos, forever.
When a faerie is born, the moons carve your soul with a missing piece that only your mate can fill. The moons decide who you're bonded to and faeries are only able to produce children with their true bond, and enjoy an eternity being loved by someone. I don’t know if I even want children. You can deny your bonds but the Cosmic Chapel will never bless a union outside of a traditional mating bond.
That doesn’t stop fae from fucking around and enjoying pleasure until their mate is finally assigned. Although, some fae respectfully wait for their bonds.
My heart stings a bit at imagining life without my bond. I reassure myself it’s just the moons driving me mad, and not a real desire to keep him close.
Idreamt of soft pink curls, fuschia eyes full of the brightest stars, plump lips, and mauve freckles. Silver heels laced up to mid-thigh and tied off with a bow at the back. Golden sparkles littered her skin, asking to be caressed and kissed–
I woke up with a massive hard on and no mate next to me to address it. I drag my hands over my face and let out a hiss of frustration. Normally, I’d take care of this problem myself but I can only think about Ember Amethyst and how badly I want to find her. How badly I wish it was her sleeping soundlessly next to me, not my mess of pillows.
Bless the stars.
It’s only been a few hours since we were first called to mate by the moons and I feel like there’s something major missing from my soul. Does she feel the same? My other half. My equal in every way. I don’t know her yet but this, this I know and trust in the cosmos.
Mates are determined by the moons and stars. They select a partner for you to grow with, love and dote on, and power share. That’s the key to having a mate, a second well of power is at your disposal. The only downside is that if you drain your mates powers, you can kill them.