Page 6 of Bonded By Moons

“No.” I shake my head and say quickly, “Not like this. I don’t want that kind of power. I’m not cut out for that level of pressure. Leading the Ascension is one thing, leading a kingdom is just outright terrifying.”

I’ve been a co-leader in the Ascension for about 2 years now. I joined the rebel guild after my 19th birthday, a year after I graduated from university. We’re doing everything we can to eject the useless Bryton’s and denounce their claim to the throne. After the previous Moonlace regime was slaughtered, The Brytons stepped in and have caused more poverty and crime, magic restrictions, food shortages, and countless murders, than any regime known in history. The king has hidden in his castle the entirety of his rule and barely made any efforts to help the fae. We’ve had to look after ourselves, which has sadly resulted in many selfish faeries only looking after their own coin. There’s no order, no balance.

There’s a particular fear that hovers over our lands now.

The Decay is causing irreparable food shortages, high trade costs, and starving families. Even the greatest scholar-talented faeries can’t determine the cause or cure for our Decaying lands. They believe it’s a magical curse that has been infecting our lands for years now but no one knows what the catalyst was. If ingested through food, it will sicken even the strongest of fae.

Not to mention the countless babes that have gone missing in the night from several districts of the capital city. The faerie peace is no longer being upheld.

Shaking that terrible thought away, I sit up in bed. “I want my cake. I deserve my cake.”

Amara flicks her wrist and uses her air magic to lift the cake from downstairs, along with some forks, and floats it over the loft railing. It hovers just above our hands and drops perfectly into our laps, then we begin digging into my glorious cake.

“Cheers!” Amara laughs and clinks her cake covered fork with mine. She makes everything better.

Just before we’re about to inhale the remaining piece of cake, Brooks busts through the door downstairs. “Ladies, Ladies.. Did you actually forget about me? That’s my slice!” He makes his way upstairs and scoots into bed on my other side.

After we’ve devoured the sweet treat, I fall asleep being held by my two favorite people on the hardest day of my life. Along with Amara’s fire orbs providing us warmth and soft lights, we peacefully drift off into exhaustion.

The next morning, I woke up without my two favorite people. Instead, being greeted by the smell of eggs, toast, and berries being prepped in the kitchen below. A smile slowly spreads on my face.

I’m so grateful for my friends and their continued ability to help me see the good in life.

I don’t know what I’d do without them most days. In truth, Brooks and Amara are the best family I could have ever dreamed of.

I decided I’ve done enough pouting and climb out of the cozy covers. I put on a black tunic with rose gold trim, black leggings and my treasured star covered dagger strapped to my outer right thigh. I tie my hair back in a braid and head downstairs. I find Brooks sprawled on my soft pink sofa, and Amara plating breakfast for us.

They both turn to me and drop their mouths open, stunned in silence.

“What?” I ask.

Brooks sits up, “Dude, those are the brightest mate rings I’ve ever seen. It’s like they’re glowing by starlight themselves!”

“Ember I think the moon and stars have blessed this mating bond… Your eyes are truly glowing. Wow, it’s like they were bathed in the stars!”

I drop my head back and sigh. “Screw those damn stars.”

“You don’t mean that!” Amara gasps.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I level her with a stare. “Of course I don’t mean it, it’s just that this is utterly ridiculous and came at the worst timing. I couldn’t have planned it worse myself. Now, can we please just ignore it?” I sigh and sit in a stool at the kitchen counter. “We need to get prepared for tonight's run to the inner city.”

I begin browsing through maps of the underground tunnels that flow and run through all of Estrallume.

Brooks whistles. “Oh yeah, they’re going to be so easy to ignore when they shine brighter than Amara covered in glitter. This is going to be one hell of a time.”

“Em, the stars would never give you something you couldn’t handle. Especially a mate for life. They would have hand selected him to be your equal. You have to at least talk to him, please.” Amara starts to gaze off with dreamy eyes. “If you don’t I will.”

A hot sensation starts buzzing in my stomach. My skin feels flushed and prickly. Looking at Amara makes me want to tackle her at the same time. What is this? Jealousy? Ugh, the moons are really going to make me crazy with these emotions. I don’t even know the guy and already feel a sense of territorial claim over him.

I ignore their protests and continue, “Okay, we’re not talking about this anymore. And B, you know tonight is important. If we can catch sight of the assailant, then we’re one step closer to capturing them.”

Brooks stands from the couch to join Amara on the other side of the kitchen counter. I watch him attempt to steal a few slices of bacon and Amara blows a gust of wind, pushing him out of the room and back towards the couch. Brooks exhales, and walks towards the couch and falls back into his slouching position.

Amara chimes in that breakfast is ready.

After eating in silence for a majority of our meal, I offer them a break. “I really can’t thank you both enough for being there for me yesterday. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

We quickly devour our food and drop the dishes in the sink. I use my water magic to splash thin streams over the plates, then Amara uses her air magic to dry them bare. She floats them back to their cabinets and softly shuts the ornate doors. We all smile at the little blessing it is to have magic from the stars in our human forms. That is something we are taught to be grateful for by the ancient texts.