He looks vicious and sounds horrific as he snarls and snaps at the young woman bleeding on the ground. He looks manic and crazed. He hasn’t even noticed our presence here.
What the hell happened to him?
“Brooks!” Amara yells as she leaps to embrace him, tears pouring down her face at the site of her beloved. Just before she reached him, I snagged her arm and pulled her back. Having to restrain Amara, I whisper into her ear. “That’s not our Brooks. I’m so sorry.”
“What? I don’t understand?” she whimpers.
I turn her to face me instead of his rabid appearance and softly say, “Something happened to him, Amara. I don’t know what, but that is not our Brooks any longer.” I glance over her shoulder at what used to be my best friend. Her lover. Her everything.
“Wait, this is The Brooks?” Artie shouts while fighting to keep hold of him.
Amara’s face contorts as she breaks into a ball of tears, crying and wheezing as she leans her head against my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her. Before I’m able to provide her any true comfort, Brooks elbows Willow in the face and kicks his way free from Artie. He takes off running down the opposite tunnel and abandons his prey. Willow unleashes a ball of neon blue flames and they land before Brooks, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. I just didn’t expect what happened next.
Brooks walked right through the flames and continued running. Unscathed. Before we could chase after him, he vanished from thin air.
Amara is still crying and I’m at a loss for words.
We’re paralyzed with shock and fear.
Willow must feel it through my bond because he rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug. “I’m so sorry, my flame. I’m just so sorry you had to see that.” He’s cupping my face, but I can’t form words right now.
I still can barely register what people are saying as I navigate the shock of finding my best friend rabidly attacking a woman.
“What even is he? What just happened?” The woman still lying on the ground, bleeding from scratches and bite marks, is slowly rising to her feet. “What is he?” the young woman cried.
Willow encompasses my body with his and wraps his arms around me. He looks at the woman behind us and says, “I’m sorry, we don’t know more. Please join us in returning to the castle and we’ll have our healers look you over.”
I’m still in a trance of shock when I feel Willow place his arm below my knees and lower back, cradling me to his chest and carrying me the rest of the way to the castle. Artie is carrying the young injured woman, and we learn her name is Saber. I’ve barely talked and I’m processing emotions that I haven’t allowed myself to feel since the incident first happened. The truth that came with seeing Brooks in this state was just utterly jarring. I don’t know how I’m going to recover from this. I’m not ready to lose him.
I’ve gained Willow but at what cost?
Finally, we climb out of the tunnels into the dungeons of the Lunar Palace. Artie escorts Saber to the healer's ward, and Willow guides Amara and me back to his quarters.
We drop Amara off at her private room and I ask Willow to leave me here. I don’t think either of us should be alone tonight. The loss of Brooks has felt heavier. Seeing him change just shattered my heart into dust.
My Prince tucks us both into bed and kisses our foreheads. I love that he treats Amara with the same respect he gives me. I never thought I’d be bound to anyone, but I’m glad he loves and cares for my sister like his own. I know she’ll always be safe with him. Tonight, we fell asleep in silent mourning and allowed our dreams to help us escape the pain.
Iawake in soft, warm sheets within a rose-themed room. The silk covers are adorned with pink and white roses, the walls are covered in rose wallpaper, and the tables are decorated with vases full of baby pink roses.
The wooden canopy bed is draped with luscious ruffled sheer white fabric. It’s so romantic and cozy. To the right of the bed stands a floor-to-ceiling window which is draped with similar fabric. In Front of the window sits white sofas and a glass table covered with books and roses. The adjacent wall has two doors on either side of a white fireplace. The fire burns neon blue, reminding me of my prince.
Good morning, Princess.I hear Willow whisper through the bond.
My heart instantly warms as I stretch under the covers and glance at Amara still soundlessly sleeping next to me. I’m obsessed with the room Prince Willow set aside for her. It’s so regal but also reminds me of my apartment in some ways. It feels like home.
Good morning, Prince.
I could feel his heart warm through the bond, making me smile as I glanced up. There’s a collection of constellations carved into the stark white ceiling.
Did my mate sleep well last night?Will asked me?
I did. This room you’ve given Amara, for the time being, is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for keeping the fire going all night.
I could hear him humming down the bond.A little dragon, that room is yours.