Page 51 of Bonded By Moons

“Who are you? How do you know my mother? Why am I here?” I ask as I stand in front of the light. As I get closer, it barely touches my nose. There are swirls and currents of white and yellow light that dance within the center of the orb.

“Patience, princess. All will be revealed when the time is right.” She says to me with amusement in her voice.

I hate being treated like a child.

Circling the orb, I peer into its light. “I don’t have time for this. What the fuck is going on, mystical orb of wisdom?”

It grows brighter and then fades again to a softer glowing ball of light.

“I am Naistrelle, goddess of love and sacrifice, keeper of the second moon.”

I fall completely still. I’m utterly shocked. I’m so surprised that I don’t even hear her calling my name.

“You are the daughter of the last primes to rule these lands. Daughter of Morak and Meelis Moonlace. With time, you and your mate will be strong enough to endure the final battle. You have been tasked with ridding these lands of its tyrant forces and restoring peace to the faerie race.”

“I don’t understand. How is that possible? History states that King Morak and Queen Meelis transitioned to the celestial city before ever being with child.” I shake my head and try to recall the history books I've read numerous times. “What do you mean my mate and I are powerful enough?”

The orb lets off warmth and light that encompass my body and takes me far away into the memory of another.

I watch as King Morak and Queen Meelis hover over a newborn faerie. The regal room is in utter chaos. Screams and cries are sounding from everywhere in the palace.

Swords have fallen to the ground. Men are praying to the moons.

I watch as the king carries a strange box to the child.

“Do it, hurry!” the queen pleas with tears strolling down her face but determination set in her eyes.

“Nexuois, Soulais, Vonai.” The king spoke as an orb began to glow and rise above the box. He cupped the babe’s cheek as he watched the strange light embed itself in the small babe, imprinting on her soul.

It rested still in the babe’s chest and will forever lay with her.

“It is done.” The queen softly spoke to the room.

“I pray to the moons she’ll understand someday.” The king whispered to his queen.

“Take her, now.” The queen demanded two strangers scurrying around the room, gathering supplies and preparing to flee.

It was when the two strangers turned to face the queen that I awoke from the memory.

I slowly come back to the present and find myself staring into the ball of bright light. I’m at a loss of words for quite some time, choking on my own shock.

“Those… Those were my parents.” I whisper as the realization sets in.

“Yes, both sets of your parents were present in the room that night.”

“I don’t understand. What did they put in my chest that night?”

Naistrelle was silent for several more moments, contemplating telling me the truth.

“You will find out in time. It is not my story to tell.”

“Please, I have to know what’s going on.” I plead.

“I’ve shown you all I can. My advice to you is to stay close to the palace. Listen to the way the walls call to you and allow it to guide your path.”

“The palace? Why does the palace matter now?”

And before she answers me, I watch the light fade away. Leaving me behind in a dark room once again.