Page 45 of Bonded By Moons

Opening the door, I find Artie sitting on the sofa with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. I slow down and remember they’re also best friends. “Artie, it’s going to be okay. I will get him down, I promise you.”

He looks up at me with so much pain and regret. “I don’t want you to think I didn’t try. I did, but the king has him on 24-hour watch and there’s no news of release anytime soon.”

“Bullshit. The king hasn’t dealt with me yet. Take me to him.” I demand.

“Oh whoa there, dragon. You saw what he did to Willow.”

Yeah, that’s true. But the king did that to make a powerful statement. Now I believe he wants something and I’m going to find out what.

I walk over to Willow’s side table and rummage through his collection of daggers. I found this hidden stash the first time I snooped in his room. “Take me to him. Now.” I grab two daggers and strap them to my thigh.

“Alright, sweetheart. It’s your death sentence.” He exhales and stands up, crossing the room and holding the door open for me. “Willow’s going to kill me for this.”

Artie escorts me to the king’s study. We don’t pass the ballroom and truthfully, it’s a waste of time to go look at my mate who’s hanging in agony right now. I need to be out here doing everything I can to save him from suffering any longer. Not crying because we’re in this situation. We pass the gallery, several libraries, and dining rooms before approaching the king’s study.

Artie walks up to the royal guild members and informs them of my request to speak with the king. One pivots and enters the room, and after a few moments pass he returns and lets me enter.

“I can’t go with you, but I’ll be here if anything happens,” Artie reassures me.

The door opens and I step through.

And there he is. Sitting poised in his royal office. He looks all the more like a selfish, crazed ruler.

I begin a stroll around the room, examining more and more empty bookshelves like they are the most interesting things. I can’t make eye contact with him so this pacing tactic will have to do. “So, do you want to explain how weird it is to not have any decorations in this room when this is where you spend most of your time as the king?”

“Well, I’m glad to see you too, Miss Ember Amethyst.”

I ignore his pleasantries and turn to face him, leveling him with a snarl and a glare. “Release him. Now.”

“I don’t take well to being demanded of things.” He warns with a smirk on his face. He is disgusting.

“Yeah? Well, I don’t take well to having my mate skewered.” I growl.

“Ah, then It seems we’re at an impasse. I will agree to release your precious mate–”

“Your son! For fucks sake!” I laugh and drop into the seat in front of him. “Why? Why are you doing this?”

He clears his throat. “I will release my son if you agree to become his mate.”

“Are you serious?” I glare at him. He has to be kidding me. Why is he so set on us bonding? Why won’t he answer my questions? Either way, I think the past 24 hours have taught me that Willow is everything I never knew I needed and nothing I thought I wanted. I want to bond with him when the eclipse comes, but I want it to be my choice. That’s the whole problem from the beginning is that I had no choice in this.

“Very.” He smiles at me. He’s obviously planning something here.

“What are you planning?” I lower my voice. “Why is our bond important to you?”

“As you know, once bonded both of you will have access to double the power. He’ll need your added strength to fulfill his upcoming duties.”

“That’s it? This is a power play?”

“I suppose if you need to look at it like that, then yes.” He shrugs nonchalantly.

“Fine. Release him and I’ll bond to him.”

“Very well.” He snaps his fingers and magic sparks between the tips. “It’s done.”

His smile slowly grows as he watches me realize his actions. It takes me a moment to register that he just released Willow from his constraints with the snap of his fingers. That type of talent and power is unimaginable. Where is he getting this power?

But with Willow supposedly released, there’s not a moment to spare as I stand and sprint through the doors. I don’t even say goodbye or thank you. He doesn’t deserve any more of my time. Willow is waiting for me.