Page 43 of Bonded By Moons

“This is Ember, my moon-bound mate.” Willow introduces me through clenched teeth and curled fists. I can sense his tension down the strings of our bond. I use my skills of empathy to stroke calmness over him. He slowly loosens at my side.

“Hello, your majesty. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” I quickly greet him but reluctantly give him my hand to kiss.

He takes it, slowly running his fingers along my palm and pressing a soft, wet kiss to the top. It sends chills through my body in the most uncomfortable way. I’m utterly disgusted by his touch and presence.

He can go fuck himself.

“Well, son. She’s truly beautiful like you said.” He nods to himself. He levels me with a scrutinizing glare. “Now, do you mind addressing why you ran from my son on the night of your pairing?”

Letting in a small gasp, I look to Willow for some lifeline or assistance in dealing with this brutal question.

“Father, please. Things have been going well. We are just getting to know one another.” Willow reaches to lean closer to me, resting his arm along my back and rubbing slow circles into my hips. It’s the reassuring presence I needed.

“Right, and have you found my son acceptable for bonding now? It’s not common to hear of fae postponing a moon-bound pairing. Especially when mated to a crown prince.”

“Um, we’re making progress,” I say sheepishly. I hope this conversation ends soon.

The king turns his attention on Will and narrows him with a glare. His stare feels like a branding of hot iron. “Last time I checked, the next eclipse is in 3 days. However, that’s the least of my concerns right now. Willow, please update me on the status of our new weapons facility. Did demolition and construction go according to plan?”

Demolition and construction? I think he’s referring to whatever I saw in that memory dive. I turn my attention to Willow.

“Oh yeah, We finished the renovations just this morning.” I’m barely listening since Will is still drawing tiny circles along my hip. It’s causing a parade of sensations and thoughts to escape my mind. I barely resist tackling him and kissing him right here. Why are the moons making me mad? This is clearly not the time.

What did you build?I ask through the bond.

I don’t get a response. Instead, he continues to rub circles into my hip. It’s starting to tickle now.

King Bryton turns his head and examines Willow carefully. “Can I confirm we begin delivering supplies in the morning?”

“Well, that may be hard considering they are admitting new children into the orphanage in the morning for their grand reopening.” he smugly smiles at his father.

I slowly tilt my head to peer up at Willow. Did I miss something? I don’t remember him mentioning anything about an orphanage.

His father's skin pales a fraction before he erupts. Like an unpredicted star fall. His emotions completely change from calm and collected to crazed and barbaric.“You mean to tell me,” he heaves in a deep breath, “you renovated the orphanage instead of following orders?”

The king’s fangs shoot out as he pounces across the table like a rabid animal, throwing food and wine everywhere. A bowl of berries fall onto my lap and I jump back in shock, examining the stain now left on my gown. He grabaWillow by the throat of his jacket and hauls him over our heads with such raw force it’s then I remember the king is also a brute.

“Stop!” I shout after the king. I take a few steps out of our canopy to chase after them, summoning my water magic, when I’m suddenly frozen in place midstep.

Willow is flung in front of the dais and the crowd is screaming and gasping, their festivities being interrupted. Several high lords and fae run for the doors, some of them still partially dressed from pleasuring one another in the shadows of the room.

“You dare defile me?!” The king bellows as he stomps towards Willow.

I can’t move. I can’t talk. I can only think, like a shell of a faerie. I don’t know what to do, I’m frozen in place. I’m being forced to watch this whole catastrophe unravel. Why is no one rushing to help Prince Willow? Even Queen Sharynne isn’t moving to help her son, who currently is laying at her feet in a crumpled mess.

A look of horror and pain invades her features.

By the moons, this man is a monster.

Willow is coughing and clutching his stomach. I pray to the moons he’s not too injured. He’s a brute, so he has to be able to fight back. Right?

I spoke too soon because the king began kicking his son in the stomach, which earned more gasps and screams from the audience. He’s not even trying to hold back his brutality.

“This.”kick. “is.”kick. “what happens,” spears of red fire blast into Will’s side. “when you disobey me.”

My chest tightens and burns. My mate is in danger and I can’t physically do anything to help him.

A giant wave of water shoves Will to the opposite side of the room, landing at the feet of several guests. Their shoes begin to soak and their dresses are saturated and wet.