Page 35 of Bonded By Moons


I’ve been tasked with evicting the residents of Guido’s Orphanage and Father made it clear that I am not to waste time caring, associating, or rehoming the children. He said the priests that oversee them will deal with it.

So, of course that’s the first thing I do. It’s honestly a joke that Father thinks I'll obey him rather than take a beating. I’ll die for the lives of these children, and that’s where me and my father differ the most.

He has no heart. He wouldn’t even die for his own children.

I arrive at the Orphanage and peer out the window of my carriage. It’s a ragged building made of basic stone. It’s in shambles and looks like an old chapel, probably once repurposed for the children that live here now. It’s truly heart wrenching that this is 1 of 3 orphanages in the entire city of Estrallume.

It’s at this moment that I make my decision.

I’m going to rebuild this shaggy, muddy, flaking building and expand the land and resources for all children staying here. I will personally supply them with materials for learning, potions, and spell casting. Reading is one of life’s most precious experiences, so I will gladly build them a plentiful library.

Artie grabs the handle and opens the carriage doors as I step out into the blinding sunlight. “Oh, I know that look.”

I smirk at him and confirm exactly what he’s thinking.

We’re gonna rebuild this orphanage and name it after my little dragon.


It’s been two full days and I used my father’s designated demolition team to demolish, reconstruct, and expand the Little Dragon Orphanage. Some of the team argued with me but were quickly reminded that I am the Prince and they will do as I command. We built a beautiful white, silver, and golden facility which has twelve bedrooms, four bathrooms, one library, one kitchen, one classroom and a garden center in the side lot of the property.

It’s more than enough for the sixteen kids staying here since each bedroom has four beds in it. They can now accept almost double their capacity of children as before. The project took just a day and a half with the help of my father’s builder faeries.

Father is going to lose his shit but atleast i’m not the one losing my soul.

This evening, my room is full of servants as they quickly groom me to perfection. This will be my introduction into society. As well as, my first time introducing Ember to the Lunar Court of Estrallume and my family. I know my mother and sister will adore her, and my brothers will accept her quickly, but I’m extremely curious how my father is going to react.

My team of servants have groomed, cleaned and dressed me to father’s liking. I’m wearing a white shirt that is buttoned and layered with a black embroidered vest, which starkly outlines my muscular arms. On top, I have layered a steel blue jacket with matching steel blue pants and black boots. As I stare in the mirror while my servants depart from their task of dressing me, I notice my bond rings glowing bright and pulsating. That’s strange.

I’ve yet to experience the pulsing light before. Maybe Ember is arriving? I quickly adjust my sleeves and ruffle my slicked back hair. There, now I feel a lot more like me.

Are you near, my little dragon?

I smell honey and roses as the essence of our bond warms in my chest.

Yes, prince.

And that’s all the confirmation I need before I’m flashing into my fae form and dashing to the palace gates to greet my mate. I’m a stream of blue and black smoke as my wings beat faster than ever before, dodging servants, my sister, and bolting out the palace doors.

“Slow down!” I hear my sister shout as I race past.

I’ve transformed back into my human form just at the top of the stairs as I watch artie approach with my private carriage. There’s already a few guests arriving, but all I can focus on is that dark blue carriage covered in silver stars and spiraling crests. Inside awaits my mate and I can’t wait to spend this evening with her. I could explode with anxiety and excitement just waiting for Artie to halt the carriage and release my mate from its confines.

Someone’s excited to see me.

I chuckle at Ember’s whisper in my mind and relax my shoulders, remembering she can sense my emotions through her empathic powers. Standing still, I descend the staircase and wave Artie away when he tries to open the carriage doors.

“Let me.” I promptly dismiss Artie and he steps away.

With an exhale and a roll of my neck, I open the carriage doors. I don’t remember how to breathe as I watch Ember exit and stand before me. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on. I scan her from head to toe and drink in the glow of her skin and hair. She’s truly shining like a star tonight and her baby pink curls are just begging to wrapped in my fist. Her freckles scream to be kissed.

Before we turn to head up the stairs, something twinkles around her dress and my eye catches on the small golden flames that outline each layered tier of the gown.

I catch my breath and whisper, “My flame..”

She blushes and looks away, slightly embarrassed but I don’t understand why.