Slamming into the ground, I’m ass naked again in what appears to be a study of sorts. Why is it that this always happens when I’m naked?
There’s a large half moon desk which is bone white, and floating above is a bouquet of stars and moons laid into the ceiling, sparkling and dancing to the music playing throughout the room. The walls are stark white and full of empty bookshelves with barely any decorations. That’s strange considering most king’s are proud of their private studies and collections.
I slowly gain strength and grounding in my dream form, and begin crawling to my feet. I try to take in more of my surroundings when Willow bursts through the door. His body is slammed against the empty bookshelves, cracking and splitting the wood. I jolt away in defense and reach for my blades at the center of my back, grasping for nothing as I remember they can’t see or hear me.
And I’m naked. Ugh!
Why does this always happen when I'm naked?!
I start to walk towards Willow, my chest clenching when I remember I can’t talk to him or help him. He’s passed out momentarily and slowly gaining consciousness when his father appears behind my astral form almost instantly. He was not here before, and I never heard him approaching. I didn’t even feel my skin prickle as he approached.
What the fuck? How is he traveling so fast?
“You dare challenge me, in front of the council, and think you’d get away with it?” King Bryton bellows as he clenches the front of Willow’s throat and raises him above him.
The king must be a brute too, then. Considering Willow is one of the most largely built faeries I've ever seen.
What is happening right now?
Willow isn’t even responding, he’s turning purple at this point and the king is squeezing bruises into his neck. This is how he treats his children? This is truly how Willow grew up? I don’t understand how he avoided telling me about this during our acquancy ritual.
My poor prince.
“You will use your useless powers for once and build something meaningful for this kingdom, not stupid greenhouses for your mother. Does she look like she needs more pointless hobbies to fill her useless life here?”
Gargling, Will loses consciousness again and slumps to the floor. He’s laying in a pile of limbs and sweat as his father abandons the room. As the door closes behind him, I glance one last look at my proposed bond, and feel my heart twisting and unraveling a million times. What is he being forced to build? What powers is he referring to? Has his father always been this way? Before I can run to him, I’m whisked away into nothingness.
Heaving, and choking on my bath water, Amara finds me waking from the memory. I’m thoroughly exhausted from the events of the last 24 hours along with such an intense memory dive. Amara kindly stays with me and finishes washing my hair, prepping my skin to be hairless, styling my hair up in a bun, and delicately placing makeup to enhance my features.
Several hours later, I’m completely transformed. I’m dressed in my gorgeous pink gown and strapping daggers to my thighs when I hear a knock at the door.
Brucie opens the door and there we find Artie, dressed in his finery. He must be attending the ball tonight, too.
“Hello, miss Ember.” He turns to face me. “Are you ready?”
I nod to my friends and say my goodbyes. Brucie doesn’t leave Artie’s side while I make my way around the room. He’s being an overprotective bear right now.
“Yes. Let’s get this over with.”
“That’s the dragon in her.” Artie confirms.
The healer just finished touching up the bruising on my neck and caring for my concussion. I was able to sit through most of her treatment quietly, but the shoulder adjustment had me breaking and yelling curses. The only thing that got me through was sensing Ember through our bond. I could feel her thinking about me, petting the idea of us together.
I had gone to see father regarding the murder of the Honeyfall family and their missing son named Brooks, who happens to be one of Ember’s best friends. Father was furious that I was inquiring on such things and immediately blamed Ember for using me to further her own agenda within the royal family. I don’t know how that logically makes sense, since anyone with a heart would agree to help solve a case like this.
I decided to argue further that since we are going to be joining the court publically, then I want to have more responsibility among the council. The king decided to punish me by forcing me to demolish an orphanage in the Libra district and then build a large storage warehouse in its place. Father says we need more space to store elixirs and weapons for the royal guild.
I can’t destroy an orphanage? Who does he think I am? Where will these children go?
We barely have enough orphanages as it is and if Ember is right about families being split apart with murders then we need more orphanages now than ever.
I’m so fucked.