Page 33 of Bonded By Moons

Before I know what's happening, Brucie is wrapping me in his arms in an instant. Squeezing me tightly, I squirm in his arms. I slowly relax with his attempt to calm me down. I was quickly getting worked up and he knows once I spiral, there’s no saving me.

Except, I don’t feel comfort in his arms anymore. I feel wrong. This feels wrong. I wonder what it would feel like to have Will wrap me in his arms instead? Did I make a mistake by not allowing him to come here and provide comfort? I remember the way his chest felt as I slept on it one of the nights I was stuck at the palace. He was so warm and safe that I didn’t even remember dreaming. I need that grounding feeling right now.

I fight my way free and shove him off me. He stumbles back looking very perplexed and confused. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine. I don’t need coddling right now. We need to stay focused.”

Brucie slinks back to the couch and gets comfortable like he owns the place.

“Okay, enough of that awkwardness. What’s the plan, Em?” Traeger asks.

I sigh. “I have a plan. First, Paisley, can you please be incharge of hosting Brooks’s family's transition of life ceremony? It’s important we honor them at this time considering Brooks isn’t here to do it himself. I know he would want us to take care of them.” I ask paisley and receive nods from their group as they approve this request.

“Of course, it would be my honor.” Paisley tears up and wipes her eyes. Giving me a soft smile and reassuring that I have one less thing to worry about now.

I let out a heavy sigh and try to reduce the heaviness in my chest. “Okay.” I move from the middle of the living room and invite everyone to curl around the sofa and rug. Once everyone makes it over comfortably, I begin telling them my plan. I decided to leave out some parts I’m still considering. It’s better to ask forgiveness later than ask permission now. I know they will hate the idea I have regarding my private meeting with the king.

“So, does anyone have any ideas on how we can get the king involved in this case now that he’s opening his court back up to the people?” Amara asks while snuggling under a throw blanket and getting as comfortable as possible. She’s never one to give up time to rest and recover.

“Yes. But there’s a few things we still need to figure out logistics for. For instance, the reality is that we really don’t know much about the castle grounds or activities within the castle walls. King Bryton has played a perfect role of barely existing in these lands and hides behind those walls constantly. It’s imperative I spend a good amount of time mapping out the castle grounds, or make connections within the royal guild. But that seems nearly impossible since I just found out this week that King Bryton is drugging all staff, family and guests with a daily dose oflanella.”

“Excuse me. Did you just saylanellaserum? Dosed daily?” Amara squeaks and sits up straighter.

“Yes. So, in order to keep the Ascension Guild a secret, I have to be able to counter the serum. Willow taught me that if you tell half truths, the serum still accepts payment from you and will not force you to spill everything. In all my years of working with elixirs and potions, I’ve never heard of that.”

Paisley instantly gasps and stares at me with so much sympathy and sadness in her eyes. It’s similar to oatmeal or moldy toast, bitter and unwanted.“Oh my stars. And the only reason he knows that is because of his dad drugging him like an experiment his whole life?”

“Pais, if that’s a pity stare right now, I will drench you with a twenty-four hour rain cloud, I swear.” I cross my arms and shake my head at her. Traeger nudges Paisley to keep going, he’s such an ass and loves the idea of her being messed with. “I doubt the Prince wants anyone’s pity, and I sure as hell don’t need to be reminded I’m mated to him.”

I act like I haven’t thought of him once since finding out about this Brooks incident and returning home, but in reality I haven’t stopped thinking about him. I feel him constantly, aware of his presence in this world and that his heart is beating perfectly in sync with mine. It’s intoxicating, no matter how painful that is to admit to myself.


We continue strategizing together for tonight’s ball. I will be escorted by Prince Bryton and he has sent Artie to pick me up in approximately two hours. So, I head up the stairs and leave them to finish logistical planning.

After hours of back and forth, we decided it’s best that I find a way to not drink wine during the entire event in order to avoid getting spelled withlanella. This will allow me to keep the Ascension guild secretive and safe during my visit. Next, the top priority of the evening is to gain the king’s interest and awareness of the chaos in the kingdom so he publicly has to address it. Although, I don’t know how appropriate it will be for me to bombard the king with demands at this rare occasion. I’m still figuring that part out and probably will just fucking wing it. Then, I need to leave the party without falling madly in love with Will and losing all sense of myself in the process.

He’s going to be the death of me.

Basically, I’m screwed. I send a quiet prayer up to the moons and seek their guidance as I navigate these treacherous waters known as The Lunar Court.

Anyways, It seems pretty straight forward, right? I need to get the king’s guild involved in preventing and solving these murders, and keep the Ascension guild safe so we can continue our rebellion and growth in peace. Meanwhile, I have my own personal issues I’m dealing with while I try not to panic that my childhood best friend’s family was just viciously murdered and my best friend is missing.

All the while, we have to send his family to their next lives among the stars without him. I know his heart would be broken to be the last member of his family standing. I hope we can find him soon so he doesn’t have to mourn alone. I could ease his pain.

I make my way upstairs and finish pampering for tonight’s ball. I absolutely adore clothes and can’t wait to wear the gown Amara and I created together. I fill the bath with a splash of water magic, and start lighting candles around the room. It might be overkill, but even the candles are a pale pink in here. I have swirling vines that cascade along the walls, and pink shelves that hold products and beauty applicators. I’ve hung star shards from the ceiling and they twinkle with starlight even in the rays of the sun.

It’s truly my safe space and the place I feel the most relaxed. There’s something so special about soaking in a moon milk bath filled with roses and basking in the splendor of starlight. Faerie’s create moon milk by soaking gallons upon gallons of oatmilk under the night sky and it fills with the essence of moonlight. Soaking in a moon milk bath allows for fae to charge magic during the daytime as well.

I finally undress and scrub my skin before stepping into the tub. It’s a gorgeous brass clawfoot tub which I traded a Valacian Traveler just last year for a rare periwinkle amethyst found deep within the Nealee Rift. Ruby’s are commonly used in blood and shadow magic, so I didn’t bother asking what he wanted it for.

I guess I should take the time to relax while I can and find myself slowly dozing off, resting my head at one end and propping my feet on the edge of the other. Slipping deeper into feelings of sadness, regret, and longing, I find myself thinking of The Prince.

I think I long for him. I’m even thinking of him in my dreams. I regret that I spent so much time there and I could have helped prevent this from happening to Brooks. I’m sad that I’m not with Willow now, no matter how hard that is to admit. I long for his breath on my neck, his lips on my lips, and his body wrapped around me everywhere all at once. It doesn’t feel natural to be this intoxicated with someone I only met recently, but I’ve grown to know all the same.

I long for you too, little dragon.Is the last thing I hear before I feel electricity spark through my veins and cedar mixed with sea salt fill my senses as I’m teleported through the stars into a memory of Prince Willow and King Bryton.

Now, I twirl and spiral through the cosmos, shifting between the stars and void. I find myself feeling nothing, hearing nothing as I travel into the corners of Will’s mind.