I roll my eyes at her outfit, waiting for her to continue. “This outfit is so not the birthday vibes we were going for Ember! Get with the spirit! Don’t worry, I brought the best star glitter to liven you up and several dresses for you to choose from. Let’s go! Hurry up!”
Brooks is wearing his favorite olive green t-shirt with black leather pants. He always attaches his bow & arrows to his back, just between his green wings. His hair is an ombre of black and green curls, showing off his dark complexion.
They both beeline up the rose entwined staircase to my bedroom. My apartment is popping with tons of organic earthen elements such as concrete, brick stones, and wooden stairs. I also have an abundance of soft and bright roses cascading from wall planters and blush colored candles. There’s plenty of pink crystals, diamonds, and moonstones littering my loft for decoration too. Some of my best gems are here, displayed in cloches and cases instead of being stored in my shop.
Amara pounces on my bed while I make my way up the stairs. She flicks her wrist and a small ball of fire starts circulating the room providing instant warmth and light to my girly space. Amara starts unpacking several dresses out of her duffel bag and I watch as she makes a heaping mess on my bed.
Amara sorts through the fabric, “We only want you to have the most amazing birthday, Em. I know it’s a hard day today, but we will make sure you have the best black out drunk night of your life.” She says while holding up a silver and gold dress, similar to hers.
Brooks gives me some wiggly brows and points his attention towards the kitchen where there’s a heaping strawberry and lemon cake waiting to be devoured post bath time. I give him the don't-touch-that-or-I’ll-throw-balls-of-ice-in-your-face face.
I sigh and run my hands over my face, “Okay, okay. Fine.”
Amara squeals so loud both Brooks and I have to cover our ears. I start to get changed and Brooks sleuths down to the kitchen and starts munching on my cake. It instantly boils my blood.
“If you don’t want to be thrown into the closest bog, I’d suggest not eating anymore of my pity cake. Thank you very much!” I yell while pulling on a short, body hugging, gold and silver dress which I paired with silver knee high lace-up heels that stop at mid thigh and highlight my toned legs to perfection.
Even in my human form, I’m extremely toned and more well trained than most. I’ve always been stronger than my peers, but I usually dampen myself to not draw attention. My well of power runs deeper than most, waiting for me to tap in. I’ve tried to unleash my power in private, but there seems to be some sort of blocker within that void that stops me from accessing my true potential.
After brushing out my baby pink curls and applying some glitter to my eyes and shoulders, we head out the door together. I flick a locking spell on my apartment and turn to face Brooks and Amara, who are way too happy for this awful occasion. We all simultaneously shrink down into our faerie forms with a flash of light and take off south to Gem’s Hallow.
My favorite bar, called The Twinkle Tap, is located under a large pine tree, surrounded by dazzling crystals that jut up waist high from the earth. I love going there because the music is the best, and the booze is cheap. Plus, the boys are hot and the mining village is full of the most colorful, vibrant crystals around.
After flying for a short period of time, I admire a large grouping of shimmering amethyst at the entrance of Gem’s Hallow while Brooks changes direction for The Twinkle Tap’s entrance. As we quickly approach the infamous pine tree marking the bar, with a flash of light, we all transform into our human forms. Brooks slips the club bouncer a few star shards to get us in faster and lets them know it’s my birthday. Brooks glances back and winks at Amara and I, we both roll our eyes at his antics. I don’t complain since I’m already here, I might as well try to enjoy myself tonight.
Glowing wrist bands encircle our right arms as we enter the club. House music is bumping, crystal shards are casting luminescent patterns on the walls and dance floor. Faerie lights in blue, purple and pink are pulsating around the air, giving me a warm comfort I didn’t realize I needed today. It’s something familiar that I craved. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad tonight.
We make our way to the luminescent bar in the center of the room, where Brooks orders three Butterfly Twists and we cheers each other for my least favorite occasion.
Next thing, I find myself 5 lunar beers deep and counting, swaying to the magnetic music with Amara. I barely notice the guy staring me down across the bar. Amara catches me in the side with a spark of fire magic, causing me to jump and spin to face her.
“Em, please tell me you see the hot flutter thing across the bar! He is so yummy I could eat him as a second slice of cake tonight,” she says and starts to dance again while staring at said candy down over my shoulder.
I hiss through my teeth and rub my burnt hip.
I decided to ignore him. “I really just want to spend today with you and Brooks. You’re all I need! You know that.”
Amara rolls her eyes, dancing to the music. “Yeah I get that I’m your twin flame, you know you’re my everything but you also deserve some fun tonight. Look at him, he’s sooooo fine! You deserve to get treated like a princess today.” She grabs me by the hips and I thought she was just going to sway with me, but instead forces me to spin around.
I continue to dance and finally look at said eye candy, Amara and I swaying together. I stare at his forearms, which are leaned over the bar. They show his tight fitting black leathers and extremely toned arms. He must be twice the size of every faerie in here tonight. Definitely one of the largest faerie’s I’ve ever seen.
I take in his hair. His hair is shaggy and luscious, a navy blue so dark it's almost black. When the faerie lights catch it, the blue shines through in a way most would drool over. Then I gaze at his full lips, straight nose and high cheekbones.
Amara was so right about the eye candy being a total second slice of birthday cake. I decidewhat the star, and meet his icey blue stare.
My entire body seizes in Amara’s grip with an electric current and I feel the stars align above. I can feel Amara’s rising emotions of concern and fear, but he’s the only thing I see in the entire room right now.
Our mating bond just locked into place.
Panic settles in and I bolt for the exit.