Wow. That’s a sight to see. I wish it was my cock she was sucking on.
I also grabbed more fruit, diverting my attention to stay focused on the tasks at hand. Getting to know one another. Right.
“I loved growing up in the cottages. The DDecay wasn’t prevalent in our lands until these past few weeks, so my upbringing wasn’t too affected by it. I spent a lot of time with adoptive parents in the crystal caves just outside of Gem’s Hallow. We would spend time mapping out every tunnel, marking every crystal we found, and playing silly games until the sunset. It was a lot simpler back then…” Her thoughts trailed off quickly and she seemed sad from a memory.
“Are you okay, my flame?” Worry seeped through my voice. I had to resist caressing her skin to comfort her.
“Yeah, I just miss my family. Brooks and Amara are my siblings practically, and I’ve never been away from them for this long. We do everything together.” She laid back down into her pillow fort and snuggled up in the blanket wrapped around her.
My little dragon.
She clears her throat and asks me, “Well let’s continue and get this over with. We’ve got about another hour before the serum fades. What are some of your favorite hobbies?”
Hobbies… I don’t really have hobbies thanks to my father. “Unfortunately, I don’t really have many hobbies. I spend my days training, studying, and dealing with my father. I suppose if I had more freedom from my royal responsibilities, I would explore my talents as a healer and builder faerie.” Her jaw dropped when I said that. Did I forget to tell her my talents? I chuckle at her expression. “I love to build, craft, and create things for others. I even built my mother her own personal garden house. She never uses it since my father keeps her in the castle most days, but it was still a pleasure to build. Do you have any talents from the stars?”
She looked at me with sympathy in her eyes and I think I hate it. I don’t want her sympathy, I want her love and affection. I guess sympathy can be a form of affection if some choose to accept it.
“I do, I’m an empath.” She offered me a kind smile, and I added it to my memory. “I’m sorry you live like this. I don’t understand why you are restricted and why King Bryton keeps this castle so secretive. I hope soon you can find the freedoms you search for.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that. I want to know more about you, what hobbies do you have? What can I look forward to as I follow my mate into this new life?”
She wrinkled her nose at my indication of a continued, eternal lasting relationship. It’s really quite funny that she thinks she’s getting away from me now that I’ve got her.
“Ugh, Mate bonds. They’re really cursed things, aren’t they?”
A sharp, ice cold wind pierced through the space and ruffled both of our clothes.
“I don’t know if challenging the moons is in our best interest, little dragon.” I chuckled while adjusting my hair back to normal.
“I swore to never do this, and here I am. Spilling my heart's contents to a total stranger, let alone the crown prince.” She exhaled a breath of frustration, and then I watched as her face softened and her eyes warmed. “Although, I feel so safe with you. I don’t know how it’s possible, but being near you feels so right.”
“Is that scary for you to feel that?” I ask her, curious about how she’s progressing through the bond.
“Yes. It is. It may be the scariest thing I’ve faced, and I’ve faced some shit.” She laughed awkwardly.
“Like what?”
She winces while fighting the truth serum but eventually gives in with a sigh, “Amara, B, and I like to venture into the mountains often. There’s some amazing cave systems to explore, forests to stroll through, but sometimes we stumble across things we don’t mean to. Like, the mating ritual for a cerberus and interrupting their festivities… Basically, we got hunted through the pine trees for hours until we made it safely back to my shop in Comet Cottages. The cerberus followed us all the way through our village and demolished so many gardens. I spent days regrowing those garden beds.” Her gaze faded off into the distance and she began to giggle, as if reflecting on a fond memory. “Anyways, Brucie came to the rescue with someVealinumwhich was so rare to come by. Once we were rendered invisible, the cerberus’ couldn’t track our smells anymore either. It honestly is so funny to look back on now.” She laughed softly.
“I’ve got my hands full with you, don’t I?” I chuckled back at her.
“Indeed, and I can ring up a pretty expensive shopping bill. If I go through with this, can I have an entire room for just my clothes?” She teases me.
“My flame, I will ensure you have a personal seamstress at all times and that you may have ample room for all your clothes. Would you like me to set you up with Letta for more courtly wear? She is the royal seamstress for my mother and sister.” I uncrossed my legs and lay down on my side, propping my head up on my pointed elbow.
She jumped up to a seated position faster than I thought was possible. “Oh. I get to do that? You’re telling me I get free clothes out of this!?” She squealed with excitement like I just handed her a diamond.
“Of course you do. There’s perks to being a mate to a prince, ya know? Let alone the crown prince of Estrallume.” Smirking at her, I draw a long sip from my wine and keep strong eye contact with her.
She blushes in response. “I guess that is an exciting aspect... But I don’t know. I don’t plan on attending any court affairs and it’s not like your father hosts many to begin with.”
I guess now is as good a time as any to invite her to the upcoming winterball. My father says this will be hosted in our honor and a form of ‘coming out’ to the court for our family. She will need to be in her prime to handle the court. This is new for both of us. It’s not normal for my father to invite his children to court. “Well, as a matter of fact, that is changing. We’re hosting a winter ball in two days and we’re both to attend in honor of my Father. He wishes to meet you. Would you be interested in staying a bit longer and seeing Letta before you return home?”
“What! Stay longer? Prince Willow, I’ve been here for four days already. I have to get back to my shop sooner rather than later.”
“First off, please don’t call me that. Willow is just fine, or Will to you. Secondly, I can respect that. Let us finish our acquancy session and then I will have a carriage brought for you to bring you back to your apartment. Will you still be attending the ball?”
She contemplated my request for several silent moments, “I would like that very much, thank you,” she said kindly. It’s as if every minute diminishes the barrier between us. She was so hard to me originally, but something feels like it’s changing rapidly.