Page 19 of Bonded By Moons

All I wish to do is protect her now. She deserves peace, to feel loved and cherished. With that thought, I decide I need to find her. We need to start some of the aquancy rituals, and if we’re near each other maybe the bond will grow stronger for both of us.

I dash out of my private study in the library and take off toward my room. I’m prepared to gather my things and find her right now. If she’ll just talk to me, we can see why the moons selected us for each other.

I make my way to my bedchambers, ignoring the staff and council members that pass me by. Hopefully, no one complains to the king that I’m in some sort of mood. I don’t want to have to answer to anyone right now when I need to be focused on feeling the bond. Based on the history books I was viewing today, the bond senses is strongest when the other member is feeling fierce emotions. If I can sense her emotions through the bond, or follow her electricity that sets me alight, then hopefully I can track her down with ease.

I slip through my bedchambers and change into an all black shirt and pants. Strapping daggers to my thighs, I also throw my dual blades over my back and secure them into their cross sheath.

Since the king has the palace covered in wards, I’m not able to just fly out of here. That’s how he’s kept me and my brothers stuck within these walls for over twenty years. But, I know I can take the tunnels below the dungeons and find my way to the southern tear in the city wards at the outer wall of Virgo.

I swing my bedroom door open and find Artie leaning against the wall, staring at me like he knows exactly what I’m up to.

“Well, go ahead and say it then.” I challenge.

He dropped his arms and exhaled deeply. “It’s the middle of the night, I don’t think right now is the best time to go hunting for your mate.”

“Listen, your ‘master’ gave me permission to do whatever necessary to bring my mate to meet him at the ball. And right now, I’m feeling an overwhelming pull to find her. This bond is stronger than anything I’ve felt before and…” Something squeezed around my heart, something eerily close to fear and regret. It’s not my emotions, so this has to be our connection through the mate bond. And if that’s true… then Ember is in trouble.

“Listen, Artie, I have to go. You can either come with or you can stay here brooding, but there’s something wrong with my mate. I can feel it through the bond and I have to help to her.”

He stared at me and his eyes began to soften. “Lead the way, your highness”

Enough confirmation for me, so I took off running to the south tower of the castle. Making our way through the servants quarters, past the kitchen and the tombs, and made our way to the dungeons. The cells were dug into the stone, cave-like structures that lined the walls for miles on miles. This level is just above the tunnels that line and weed through the city's grounds like the roots of a tree.

To our right is a closet and storage place for torture equipment, but the drain inside is also glimmered to allow us to jump into the tunnel system. Entering the room, I flicked a fae orb into existence and provided a warm blue glow to the space. I grab a dagger from my thigh and slice my palm, pouring blood over the ground and releasing the glimmer. The gaping hole that leads into the tunnel system tore the floor open.

We descended into the caves and ran on as the floor resealed itself, locking us in here until we return.

Another sting of pain, this time my mate's anger wrapped around my own heart. Someone’s hurting her. Someone’s touching my mate. Someone’s definitely going to die tonight.

“Oh man, this is going to be trouble, isn’t it?” Artie heaved as we ran alongside each other in the caves.

Blue flames fill my eyes and lick my fingertips as I growl at Artie. “Shut up.”

I feel her fill with rage, fear, and regret. My chest hurts from knowing she’s somewhere suffering and I wasn’t there to protect. If only she would have let me be with her, I could be protecting her right now.

I abruptly took a turn and headed towards the Virgo District. “She’s here. She’s in the city somewhere. I can feel her close to Virgo.”

We ran for what seemed like forever, my heart racing to get to my mate as quickly as possible. Praying I wasn’t too late to save her from whatever danger she may be in. I will always come for her.

A grate revealed itself up above, and within seconds I flashed and flew through the holes. I will murder whoever is harming my mate. Their blood will drip from my hands as I squeeze the life out of them, not even offering them passage to the next life. I will gladly toss their souls in Doom’s Grove.

Following the magnetic pull of her, I entered an alleyway to find Ember passed out on the ground and two guards unfastening their belts and pants above her.

Red, Hot, Fury.

That’s all I felt. I didn’t even think, I just acted.

The guards looked up and gawked at me. “Your.. your highness? Wha.. What are you doing here at this time of night?”

I didn’t even respond. I faintly remember hearing footsteps behind me, and a hand on my shoulder. All I can see is their blood splattering against the stone walls with the way my daggers flew clean through their throats.

Red, Hot, Fury.

I inhaled, I exhaled. The bodies crumpled to the floor.

“Oh, well this will be fun to clean up.” Artie patted me on the back and waited for me to strive forward.

“Leave them. They don’t deserve a burial or any proper transition of life ceremonies.”