What the hell is he cheesing about like this? I glance over my shoulder at Fletcher, who thankfully doesn’t notice. Rob flashes me an awkward grin once he’s close.

“Hey, Britt. Kicking the old man’s ass?” Rob asks. Ugh.

Old man… Fletcher’s only in his thirties and he honestly looks a few years younger than Rob. But whatever.

“Yup,” I lie to him. “Totally kicking his ass.”

“Cool,” Rob says. “It’s dope that you know a cop.”

“Uh huh…”

“Meet me outside in like… fifteen minutes. I need your help with something.”

Before I can ask him what exactly he needs my help with, Rob disappears. I take a few steps after him and then Fletcher zooms in front of me, carrying a tray of refreshments.

“Talking to Rob?” Fletcher says, trying not to sound bitter. I still don’t get why the hell he doesn’t like Rob. He’s just a regular guy from my high school, who maybe smokes a little too much weed and knows how to have fun. Fletcher jumped straight out of high school into his navy uniform and he thinks everyone else needs to be as straight-laced as he is.

Not everyone has the perfect life, perfect flowing blond hair and blue eyes that remind you of the ocean – not like we get to see the ocean much around here. For once, I don’t want to swat away Fletcher’s look of concern. He’s trying. And he knows how worried I am about dad.

“It’s fine. We’re cool. He wanted to ask me something.”

“About your dad?”

“No. Something else.”

I don’t want to tell Fletcher about meeting Rob outside because he’ll freak out and probably overreact. Knowing Fletcher, he has his police-issue gun somewhere within arm’s reach. The last thing I need is him throwing his weight around and scaring off Rob more than he probably has already.

“I got you a diet coke and your favorite—curly fries with ketchup.”

“You remembered. Dad always gets fries with mayo and I have to remind him he’s the one who likes mayo, which is gross. And I like ketchup, which is delicious.”

“I sweet-talked my way into extra packets for you. Want to take a break from the game?”

Fletcher knows how to speak my language.

“For food? Hell yes,” I answer excitedly.

I glance over at Rob, who has his arm around Roxy. He looks over at me and winks. I pretend I don’t notice because I don’t want Fletcher’s cop instincts catching on. We slide into our booth together and Fletcher steals one of my curly fries without ketchup on it.

“Thanks for the fries,” I mutter, ignoring his theft. He has his own favorite bowling meal set in front of him – a cheeseburger and two Blue Moon bottles.

“No problem, kid. I mean… Brittany.”

“Brittany,” I emphasize. “I’m not a kid anymore.”

Fletcher’s eyes flash to mine and he nods. There’s a weird look on his face that I don’t understand. But I have to ignore it completely because reading into Fletcher’s little looks is only gonna get me in trouble.

“No. You aren’t. Are you going to get a new job soon?”

“Taking care of dad is my full-time job. Once I’m done with this semester… I’m thinking of dropping out.”

Fletcher shakes his head. “No way. If you need help with anything, you come to me. You don’t drop out of college.”

“I don’t need to ask you for a handout.”

“Your dad doesn’t want you cooped up with him in that house forever,” Fletcher says. “You’ve always dreamed of going to college, Britt.”

His voice tugs on something in me, and I push the feeling down. He’s Fletcher, not some guy I can crush on.